Orange County NC Website
Orange County Personnel Rules and Regulations Manual Issue Date: 10/21/09 15 <br />(1) Slurred speech <br />(2) The odor of alcohol or marijuana about the person <br />(3) Inability to walk a straight line <br />(4) Loss of coordination <br />(5) Physical or verbal altercations <br />(6) .Unusual behavior which warrants bringing it to the attention of a <br />supervisor such as confusion, disorientation, marked personality <br />changes, irrational behavior. <br />(7) Possession of drugs <br />(8) Verifiable information from a credible source that an employee <br />may have been impaired while performing assigned duties. <br />(9) A pattern of unexplained accidents and injuries <br />(10) Arrests, citations and deferred prosecutions associated with drugs <br />or alcohol (in conjunction with other indicators listed above) <br />(11) A pattern of excessive absenteeism, late reporting or deterioration <br />in work performance (in conjunction with other indicators listed <br />above) <br />2. Random <br />a. Random drug and alcohol testing occurs while the employee is on-duty, <br />immediately prior to performing covered duties, or immediately after <br />performing covered duties. <br />b. For random testing purposes, the pool of employees covered under <br />Federal drug and alcohol testing regulations is maintained separately <br />from the pool of County safety sensitive employees as designated by <br />the County. <br />c. Selection of employees for random testing is made by a scientifically <br />valid random sampling method. Each time a random selection is made, <br />each employee has an equal chance of being selected. Random tests are <br />unannounced and spread reasonably throughout the year. <br />d. The Human Reosurce Department notifies the department of the <br />employee(s) identified for random testing. The department notifies the <br />Page 12 <br />