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2 <br />the business structure to utilize extensive Internet search capabilities and some field canvassing <br />to locate and discover unlisted businesses. Increased manpower means more responsiveness <br />to the needs and issues of taxpayers, better communication and increased educational efforts <br />as well as the availability of greater taxation knowledge and legal expertise. Business personal <br />property staff will also be freed up to concentrate on the discovery, education, and taxation of <br />unlisted businesses. <br />Tax Office staff has worked with Financial Services Department staff to determine a cost <br />analysis and recommendation for pursuance of this course of action. By entering into a contract <br />with Tax Management Associates, the County could freeze the existing Business Personal <br />Property Appraiser position. On a twelve-month basis, the freeze would equate to a salary and <br />benefits savings of $80,000, some of which would fund the pilot program. The outsourcing effort <br />will cost, per the attached contract, $13-$15 per business listing. The cost for the pilot period of <br />one year is projected to be $60,000. The cost of promoting a staff member to oversee <br />coordination efforts between the County and TMA is projected to be $10,000, for a total cost of <br />$70,000. (The cost of maintaining the system that currently exists by hiring an experienced <br />business personal property appraiser plus using a second employee, with half of that position's <br />time allotted to business would have a cost of approximately $85,000 annually.) This equates to <br />an initial County cost savings of $15,000, but is expected to be only the beginning of the <br />potential County benefits. <br />For example, between the end of Fiscal Year 2004-2005 and the end of Fiscal Year 2008-2009, <br />the statistical report shows the personal property tax base has increased significantly. Much of <br />this increase is likely due to annually recurring business personal property discoveries made <br />through the enhanced auditing program. Using the current County tax rate, this growth <br />represents a significant increase in tax revenues annually. Since discovered business personal <br />property is annually recurring, there is an additive effect that is enhanced with each additional <br />discovery and with every new tax year. This growth is projected to expand with the <br />implementation of the outsourcing project. <br />The bottom line is that with every business personal property program enhancement there is the <br />excellent potential for increased listings, discoveries, and educational opportunities that will <br />generate significant and annually growing monetary returns to the County. It is therefore the <br />recommendation that this program should be pursued on a pilot basis for one year since the <br />program has the potential to result in streamlined business personal property taxation processes <br />with many revenue related benefits. More importantly staff believes this should be pursued <br />since it also enhances educational opportunities and services to the public. This pilot program <br />with Tax Management Associates will allow staff to thoroughly evaluate the benefits to the <br />County of outsourcing while also cutting County budgetary expenditures, initially in the short <br />term (immediate budget) and potentially long term. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Cost savings to be realized from the reorganization and reallocation of <br />job duties as it relates directly to business personal property listing should equate to no less <br />than $15,000 for this fiscal year. There is also the great potential for increasing and additive <br />annual returns in County revenues. <br />