Orange County NC Website
<br />TIMELINE OF REORGANIZATION <br />October <br />2009 - Establish a weekly meeting with division managers to assist in the <br /> transition process that creates minimal disruption to the daily operation and <br /> maintains the integrity of the department. <br /> - Meet with staff and work groups to identify efficiencies and skill gaps <br /> that will be created in the new structure. <br /> - Address identified future skill gaps in the department. <br /> - Develop check points to ensure the successful transfer of knowledge from <br /> retirees. <br /> -Preparing staff for the impending Property Information Management <br /> System (PIMS), telephone system installation, etc. <br /> - Continuing to investigate the outsourcing of the Business Personal <br /> Property listing functions to Tax Management Associates (TMA). <br />November -Continue weekly meeting with division managers to track the progress of <br />2009 the reorganization transition and the transfer of knowledge from retiree <br /> staff. <br /> - Create job descriptions for identified new needs. <br /> -PIMS -kick off meetings (This project is currently projected to continue <br /> until August 2010) This process will require intensive time involvement of <br /> key staff members as this training process begins and the massaging of data <br /> for conversion commences. <br /> -Ensure strong coordination is in place to facilitate the installation and <br /> training of staff on new telephone system ensuring no lag in level of service <br /> to the citizen and public at large. Currently scheduled for early November <br /> cut-over. <br /> -Begin preparation for implementation of theTax Management Associates <br /> contract for business personal property listing process. <br /> -Begin preparation for implementation of the EMS Management & <br /> Consultant contract for the outsourcing of claims processing. <br />December -Continue weekly meeting with division managers to track the progress of <br />2009 the reorganization transition and the transfer of knowledge from retiree <br /> staff. <br />