Orange County NC Website
Moorefields Proposed Conservation Easement, Hillsborough, !North Carolina <br />LAND VALUE CONCLUSION — FOURTEEN -ACRE PARCEL <br />In arriving at an opinion of value for the subject parcel, all market data presented in this section <br />was considered. All sales are within the subject's market area,' are 'subject to the same <br />environmental influences and therefore provide a reliable indication of value for the subject. Before <br />adjustments the comparables indicated a range of values from $8,244 to $13,158 per acre. <br />Adjustments as previously discussed were applied to all Comparables. After analysis and <br />adjustment of the comparable sales, the comparables indicated a range of values from $8,616 to <br />$11,777 per acre with a mean of $10,538 per acre. <br />Comparables #2, #3, and #4 are most similar to the subject and required the smallest overall <br />adjustments. Based on our analysis of the comparable sales in the subject's market area, and <br />placing the most weight on Comparables #3, #3, and #4 along with the specific attributes of the <br />subject, we have concluded to price per acre of $10,500 for the subject's 14.00 acres of gross land <br />area. Applying the unit cost to the subject site indicates the following value conclusion for the land <br />as vacant: <br />14.00 Acres x $10,5001Acre = $147,000 <br />Analytical Co mlants Sales Compariso w <br />N <br />