Agenda - 10-20-2009 - 6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-20-2009
Agenda - 10-20-2009 - 6a
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Last modified
10/20/2009 9:29:26 AM
Creation date
10/20/2009 9:29:22 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20091020
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9 <br />Existing catalogs and documents in agencies represented on the Work Group could be digitized with funding from <br />grants available for that purpose. A combined digital file could be made available in a central location, to all <br />agencies, and through the World Wide Web with computer technology. <br />Agreement on several other issues has resulted from the Work Group's research, discussion and consideration. <br />Specifically, no currently existing agency has the facilities, expertise, or the staff to take on these additional <br />cataloging, archiving, and public service responsibilities. <br />The Heritage Center concept fits into the mission of the Historical Foundation of Hillsborough and Orange County <br />which operates the Orange County Historical Museum, but the Museum does not have space or the organizational <br />capacity to support this additional function in its current 2,000 square feet facility. As published on the Museum's <br />web site, the mission and goals of the Foundation are <br />Our Mission <br />The mission of the Historical Foundation of Hillsborough and Orange County is to enlighten and <br />engage our community and visitors from around the world by preserving and interpreting the <br />history of Hillsborough and Orange County. <br />Our Goals <br />• Operate the Orange County Historical Museum. <br />• Collect, preserve, catalog, and house historic artifacts and documents relevant to <br />Hillsborough and Orange County history, applying professional techniques towards this <br />end. <br />• Use the foundation's collections as a tool for educating the public about our history <br />through exhibits, in-house and outreach programs, public lectures, publications, and <br />special events: <br />• Make historic documents, artifacts, photographs, and other records available to those <br />researching Hillsborough and Orange County history. <br />• Provide support and assistance for historic preservation efforts in Hillsborough and Orange <br />County. <br />Government support of archiving records and making them available is considered important, but Work Group <br />members agree apublic/private partnership that includes seeking funding from grantors and other revenue <br />streams will be necessary to ensure the sustainability of a Heritage Center. Work Group members believe the <br />private partner should carry a 501(c)3 designation. Resources from both government and private supporters <br />would ensure both local and out-of--town visitors spend more time and money in the County experiencing Orange <br />County history. <br />Further, Work Group members believe electronic technologies will allow the collections of the Heritage Center to <br />be shared with aworld-wide audience and attract more visitors to Hillsborough and Orange County. Electronic <br />access to the collections of the Heritage Center should be considered from the beginning of its existence. <br />Possible funding sources for the Heritage Center were discussed in meetings of the Work Group. Some of those <br />included the State Library of North Carolina, the National Endowment for the Humanities, other federal and state <br />government resources, additional Orange County funds, private foundations, and the Rebecca Wall bequest to the <br />Orange County library. It was agreed that discussion of funding sources should follow more systematic planning <br />for the scope, organization, and programming of the Heritage Center. <br />6 <br />
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