Orange County NC Website
Microfilm/fiche OCPL Varies; OCML's <br />Reader/Printer current reader/printer <br /> is 29x34" plus chair <br /> allowance <br />Two drawer filing OCPL 30x20" plus drawer <br />drawer allowance <br />Other Possible OCPL Depends upon the <br />Donations size of the computer <br /> workstation, OCMB <br />Online Databases: computer workstation <br /> area is approximately <br />Heritage Quest 4'x5' <br />Microfilm <br />subscription of News <br />of Oran e <br />African-American Original Alliance for Historic Four file boxes <br />history on cassettes Hillsborough <br />and videotapes. <br />Photos of historic ? One file box <br />buildings and notes <br />on <br />general architecture. <br />Three large Original <br />scrapbooks <br />1960's - 2006 <br />Occoneechee history, Original Orange County Four filing cabinets <br />Family Bibles and Historical Museum Two shelves of boxes <br />flat maps. <br />Also maintains <br />Hillsborough <br />Historical <br />Socie collection <br />Archaeology Copy of Copy Orange County One filing cabinet <br /> Historic <br />N <br />O <br />