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• Carl Allen, Business Owner, Allen Financial Services <br />• Tamia Buckingham, Business Owner, Buckingham Business Services <br />• Danny Lloyd, Hillsborough City Executive, Cardinal State Bank <br />• Barbara Baker, Facilitator of the Work Group, Retired from DTCC <br />The Work Group's preliminary report with 1) a memorandum with further background, 2) a <br />worksheet on the anticipated scope of the Heritage Center, and 3) a memorandum on funding <br />for a consultant is included as Attachment #1. Key conclusions and recommendations are as <br />follows: <br />• Orange County's historic legacy should be preserved for future generations. These <br />irreplaceable historic resources currently housed at the various historical organizations in <br />Hillsborough, at the Public Library and elsewhere throughout the County are at risk of <br />deterioration and are inaccessible to the public for research. The County needs an <br />archival facility for proper storage and to provide public access to these collections. <br />A public-private venture, where the County partners with a 501(c)3 non-profit status will <br />likely offer the most optimal funding option for such a facility. The Historical Foundation <br />of Orange County and Hillsborough (an independent organization which is also under the <br />umbrella of the Alliance for Historic Hillsborough) may be able to serve as the non-profit <br />partner under a negotiated arrangement. <br />The Work Group recommends contracting with an expert consultant to "flesh-out" its <br />feasibility study with the details needed to pursue grant funding and to provide the County <br />with CIP and related budget information to bring this project into fruition. The Chapel Hill <br />- Orange County Visitor's Bureau has identified and it Board authorized $5,000 which <br />could be used for this purpose. <br />The County may have a suitable building in its existing surplus stock that could be <br />retrofitted for an archival facility at a much lower cost than new construction should the <br />BOCC ultimately choose to fund development of a proposed Heritage Center. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The Chapel Hill -Orange County Visitor's Bureau has identified $5,000 <br />in its existing budget which could be used for hiring a consultant to prepare a more detailed plan <br />for a Heritage Center /Public Archive facility. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board accept the initial findings <br />in the 2009 Heritage Center Work Group Report and authorize the Work Group to proceed with <br />the following next steps: <br />Hire a consultant from funds provided by the Chapel Hill -Orange County Visitors <br />Bureau to prepare a more detailed plan and do research including: <br />a. Surveying and making a recommendation on available facilities; <br />b. Analyzing collections in the County to determine what items would be appropriate <br />to be housed in the Heritage Center collection; <br />c. Analyzing and listing needed equipment; <br />d. Analyzing staffing needs; <br />e. Developing a proposed budget; and <br />f. Identifying potential private and public funding sources. <br />