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739 <br />Dr. Harry Phillips, member of Capital Health Systems Agency Board, said <br />there is a great need far planning in the county. He said there is a need to <br />identify problems, consider resources and come up with solutions. <br />Mr. Jerry Robinson, Director of Orange County Health Department, said this <br />committee is not proposed to be a duplication of H5A or' is it an organization that <br />goes through a funding process to dispense to any particular group, nor will it <br />develop a paid staff. He said it is not a group that has a bias toward private <br />practice of medicine, public endeavors or some combination of both. He said <br />membership requirements exclude persons who have obligations and immediate <br />conflicts becauseā€¢of their employment. This committee is concerned for balance <br />that would give a full voice to Orange County residents. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson said Orange County needs a mechanism like this <br />to make it possible to coordinate resources to address needs that are not being <br />met. Commissioner Willhoit~concurred with this statement. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson said the committee is structured to have an entire <br />consumer body. He said anyone with medical connections would be excluded.. <br />pr. Cromartie said the group did not feel providers should be excluded. He <br />said provider groups would be present to view problems they are dealing with. <br />There is no focus for that now. <br />Mr. F. Ross Porter wanted to know the purpose of the creation of the committee. <br />He said there is no delegation of power to screen all health matters between the <br />populace and commission or make recommendations. If this is to serve as an individual <br />focus for the benefit of the Commissioners, the Commissioners must divorce them- <br />selves from competence in the health field. If there is no income or outgo to <br />continue the committee, how are they supposed to get free consultants who are <br />"highly regarded" by other health officials in the area? He asked, how do you <br />expect to use this except as a debating society? <br />_ Commissioner Whitted said the committee would broaden input from citizens <br />~~ in the area on medical care and health care. We need to draw up a statement of <br />purpose at this point to guide the advisory council. <br />~ Mrs. Josephine Barbour asked on how many health committees the Commissioners <br />were now serving. She was told Mental Health, Health Board and Ad Hoc. <br />Commissioner Willhoit said the Commissioners got many different signals from <br />many different health-provided agencies. This committee would give us the provider <br />vs. consumer aspect in providing medical care. <br />Mr. Porter said he would be the last to believe a consumer is not competent <br />to make judgment, but by excluding people who have adequate skills in health <br />problems to advise you, it seems to be the wrong road. He felt a mixture would <br />make a better advisory council. He said the Commissioners already had a mult i <br />p1icity of groups before them making official and semi-official reports. He <br />felt one way to simplify this was not to endorse another group. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson said we can appoint members tv the advisory council <br />to open up to us a range of expert advice. He said in relation to too many <br />committees, this is one way to grappel with some serious problems. He felt the <br />Commissioners should try to help develop a mechanism to bring together members of <br />the health systems and find better ways to deliver services. He felt this would <br />insure Orange County having priorities built into HSA Plan III. There are many <br />decisions being made regarding provider institutions in North Carolina and the <br />Commissioners need to know what the priorities are and how we fit into these. <br />Commissioner Whitted asked whether Ad Hac's work was finished. <br />pr. Cromartie said it would be unless they were given specific word from the <br />Board. <br />f <br />r <br />Commissioner Gustaveson said the next step would be to urge the Commissioners <br />to adopt this proposal. He said the committee does have suggestions of people to <br />nominate for this committee. He asked the Board to take time. and get resumes from <br />a broad range of people. <br />;. <br />