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738 <br />Ms. Williams said it let four people work under the assumption the County <br />Manager said it would be alright through September 30. We got authorization <br />from the JOCCA Board to pay them. ' <br />Mr. Joe Bradshaw told the Board that Orange County would be the only party <br />who could reimburse the JOCCA Board through special authorization. Through our <br />contract with Balance of State we can only ask for reimbursement after October 1st. <br />He said the establishment of September 19th termination date had little to do with <br />our joining the Balance of State. It had to do with Durham saying they. were running <br />out of money. Durham told us the allocation was running low and we needed to cut <br />back. <br />Commissioner Whined asked if DOET had carry over money. <br />Mr. Bradshaw said, yes. When the 19th came, DOET counted two weeks time <br />and this money was given to the state to fund us through the end of the month. <br />Mr. Bradshaw said this carry over money was based on Board approval and Durham <br />could not release it and our staff did not feel you wanted to change that recom- <br />mendation. <br />Mr. Hare said there was no question that JOCCA was obligated to pay these <br />persons and in four cases there was no question they were only working for JOCCA. <br />He said there was confusion about the two discussed at the last meeting. He said <br />the DOET and the County handled the paper work and JOCCA was supervisor not <br />directly involved with paper work. He said he knew in June that the 19th of <br />September was a firm date but did not receive firm communication from DOET or <br />Orange County that these people were to stop. He said he knew there would be <br />some carry over money. <br />The County Manager said part of the money used to get through the 19th <br />was carry over money. He said almost everything since June was carry over money. <br />Commissioner Willhoit said this would be an additional allocation and since <br />we wi11 be discussing the Efland Center, we do not need to consider this right <br />now. He felt the county should seek compensation from the state. He suggested <br />putting the facts together in terms of this being an act of good faith during <br />the transition period. <br />The Finance Director asked why the state should be involved instead of <br />DOET. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson said this would help smooth the transition from <br />DOET to Orange County. <br />Mr. Bradshaw said they have given us money we did not have the last two weeks. <br />He suggested the City of Durham as a more likely place to pursue reimbursement <br />but they have given us an answer. <br />The County Manager said we possibly could draw this request into a request <br />for funds we are working on now. <br />Agenda Item 8: Pro osal to Create an Oran a Count <br />ommission on Hea th an Medical are <br />Dr. William J. Cromartie, member of Board Capital Health Systems Agency, <br />addressed the Board. He said this committee would focus on the specific health <br />care problems of Orange County. He said the committee was originally proposed <br />to be established as a body to report to the County Commissioners. He said a <br />proposal was submitted some time ago and the document presented at this meeting <br />is fora response to that request. <br />For copy of said proposal, see page 741 of this book. <br />Mr. John Hughes, member of Capital Health Systems Agency Board, said his <br />interest in forming a committee would be to help him, as a board member of HSA, <br />decide what priorities should be. He said there is little community input and <br />we would like to know what they think. <br />Commissioner Whitted asked if this committee would have an official tie to <br />HSA. Commissioner Gustaveson answered, no. The official tie will be to Orange <br />_~ County. Mr. Hughes said it would serve as an HSA advisory group. <br />