Orange County NC Website
747 <br />4'Q[ N, $ERNHOL2 <br />ICRER50N <br />A'f, J6Y5 AT LAW <br />CHAPEL HILL, 4.C. <br />:lILLSEpROUGH, N.C. <br />include an area north of its existing planning jurisdiction and <br />more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point in the existing boundary line <br />separating the planning jurisdiction of the Tawn of Ghapel Hill <br />and Orange County 500.feet generally west of the western right-- <br />of-way of North Carolina Highway 86 and measured along a line <br />perpendicular to North Carolina $6; thence a line parallel to <br />North Carolina 8~ generally north and at every point lying $00 <br />feet generally west of North Carolina 86 and measured along a <br />line perpendicular to North Carolina 86 to its intersection with <br />the southern boundary of the Duke Power Company easement that <br />crosses North Carolina 86 approximately 750 feet north of Weaver <br />Dairy Road (N. C. Secondary Road #1733); thence with the southern <br />boundary of the Duke Power Company easement generally east tc its <br />intersection with the existing boundary line separating the <br />planning jurisdiction of the Town of Chapel. Hill and Orange <br />County; thence along that boundary line generally west to the <br />point and place of the beginning. <br />Section 222. And further provided the xown of Chapel '.. <br />Hi11, also by Resolution duly adopted declares its intention to <br />amend the Town's Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to: <br />A. provide the same treatment for mobile homes on <br />individual lots in the•eXtension:area:as that currently provided <br />in the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Mag ~f••Orange County; <br />$• provide- that mobile home parks be permitted in <br />the extension area through the device of special use permits; and <br />C. provide that existing mobile home parks in the <br />extension area be permitted to continue to exist and operate uncle <br />