Orange County NC Website
0 <br />Year-To-Date Budget Summary <br />Fiscal Year 2009-10 <br />General Fund Budget Summary <br />Ori final General Fund Bud et $177,589,039 <br />Additional Revenue Received Through Budget <br />Amendment #3 October 20, 2009 <br />Grant Funds $31,000 <br />Non Grant Funds $268,647 <br />General Fund Fund Balance for <br />Anticipated Appropriations (i.e. Carry <br />Forwards) $gg,798 <br /> <br />General Fund Fund Balance Appropriated <br />to Cover Unantici ated Expenditures $143,181 <br /> <br />Total Amended General Fund Budget $178,130,665 <br />Dollar Change in 2009-10 Approved <br />General Fund Bud et $541,626 <br />Change in 2009-10 Approved General <br />Fund Budget 0.30% <br />Authorized Full Time Equivalent Positions <br />Original Approved General Fund Full Time <br />Equivalent Positions 838.150 <br />Original Approved Other Funds Full Time <br />E uivalent Positions 69.800 <br />Additional Positions Approved Mid-Year 0.000 <br />Total Approved Full-Time-Equivalent <br />Positions for Fiscal Year 2009-10 907.950 <br />1. Appropriation of $48,798 from the <br />GF liability account to set up the newly <br />established Spay/Neuter Fund (BOA <br />#1) <br />$50,000 FY 2008-09 canyforward to <br />dace two patrol cars (BOA #3) <br />Notes: <br />1. $119,664 to add an additional staff <br />attorney position and unbudgeted legal <br />contract fees for Geoff Gledhill (BOA <br />#3) <br />$23,517 for Bradshaw Quarry to <br />vain open from September 21, 2009- <br />iuary 2, 2010. <br />