Orange County NC Website
~E~-an~~-®~~- CD <br />Resolution Regarding Publication of Bond Order <br />WHEREAS, there has been adopted at this meeting a bond order entitled <br />as follows: <br />BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL <br />OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS IN THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF <br />$27,000,000 TO REFUND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT BONDS ISSUED IN <br />2001 AND 2003 <br />AND WHEREAS, the General Statutes require the publication of a notice <br />to complete the process of authorizing the bonds; <br />BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of <br />Orange County, North Carolina, that the Clerk to this Board is authorized and <br />directed to publish a notice of the adoption of such Bond Order, in the form <br />provided for in Section 159-58 of the General Statutes, one time in a newspaper <br />having general circulation in the County. <br /> <br />I certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted at a meeting of the <br />Board of Commissioners of Orange County, North Carolina, duly called and held <br />on October 20, 2009, and that a quorum was present and acting throughout such <br />meeting. Such resolution remains in full effect as of today. <br />Dated this day of October, 2009. <br />[SEAL] <br />Donna S. Baker, <br />County Clerk <br />Orange County, North Carolina <br />