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<br />§ 3.3.6 Providing services made necessary by the default of the Cuni:rueaor, by m~tiur ekaec[s <n- c!eliciencics ill t(ic Wurh <br />of the Contractor, or by failure of performance of either the O4vncr ur </c±nU'aC[Ql' L!l1dCl' thl (~OIiIrIICL IUI" (_~UntiIfUCIIOn- <br />§ 3.3.7 Providing services in evaluating an extensive number of claims sub+niftcd by the Cono~actor or ulhcrs ill <br />connection with the Work. <br />§ 3.3.8 Providing services in connection with a public hearing, a dispute resolution proceeding or a legal prexecding <br />except where the Architect is party thereto. ` <br />§ 3.3.9 Preparing documents for alternate, separate or sequential bids or providing services in connection with bidding, <br />negotiation or construction prior to the completion of the Construction llocuments Phase. <br />§ 3.4 OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL SERVICES <br />§ 3.4.1 Providing analyses of the Owner's needs and programming the requirements of the Project. <br />§ 3.4.2 Providing financial feasibility or other special studies. <br />§ 3.4.3 Ptoviding plaintting surveys, site evaluations or comparative studies of prospective sites. <br />_ § 3.4.4:Pcoviding-special-surveys, environmental studies and submissions required fvr approvals of governmental <br />,' authorities or others havngjuiisdiction over the Project. <br />- §;.3.43 Ifmyli3ing services relattve~to future facIIities, systems and~qu>ipment. <br />- §:34 6 Ptovidingser~+~lces :tainvestigate existing corxdrttdns or facilities or to make measured drawings thereof. ;- ;. <br />~ __ ; <br />§ 3.4 7 Providing serant:es:to'verify the aeoeracy csf drawings or other information furnished by the Owner. <br />`;§ 3:4 $ Proyii3ing.coordmation of cotstuction performed by separate contractors or by the Owner's own forces and <br />- .coordination of services r~uired in connection with construction performed and e~ulli~eit~supplied by the Owner. <br />_ § 3:4 9 Providing services in connection with the work of a construction man'~iger or separate consultants retained by the <br />- Owi+ner: <br />,. ;.; <br />,.-: _... <br />§ 3:4.10 Proyiding detained estimates of Construction Cost. <br />§ 3 411 Providing detailed quantity surveys or inventories of material, equipment and labor. <br />- ~~ <br />§3:412 Providing analyses of owning and operating costs. <br />~~ <, , <br />- ~ ; - <br />f3 ~ 3413 Pro~idin'g interior design and other similar services required for or in connection with the selection, <br />prizcuement or installation of furtuture; furnishings and related equipment. <br />- § 3,4:14 Providing services for planning tenant or rental spaces. <br />.:. ~ <br />~.~ § .4.15 Making investigations, inventories o1`.itiaterialr e~ttiipment, or valuations and detailed appraisals of existing <br />~~~aeilities. r~~~~, 7 <br />- - '4-~ s ~- syw. 4nW, ~' <br />~': <br />§ 3 4.16 Preparing a set of reproducible'awings showing significant changes in-the Work,~ig~r4luruig <br />construcpon based on marked u drawmgs ;and other data famished by the Contractor$to th~~shitect. - <br />,~ § 3 4'17 Prov~dtttg'~assistan~e ~ti a uttlization of equipment or systems such as tes 'rr,~~ddt~§ttng and balancing, <br />'°'° V E; <br />} pz'cparaUon of ggpratxnn~and=maintenance manuals, training personnel for ope• atrd~`main[enance, and consultation <br />- ~.~~~ during operac~brl .~ ~' - .~= <br />-.. - ~. - <br />AIA Document 8151 TM -1997. Copyright ®7874,1978, 1887, a(W .1997_ by The American institute of Architects. All rights re9arved..WARNING: This <br />AIAeDocument is protected by US. Copyright tavirand inte~tionat Trestles. UnAUtliorized reprAduction or distr'ibutian of this AIA•Docymerrt; <br />or any pordon of h, may result in serene civil arld criminal penalties, afrd wlii lie prosecuted to the maximum extent possible urrdeY the Itiw: 6 <br />Purchasers are.permitted to reproduce ten (10) copies of this dacumeritwhen. comploted. To report copyright violations of AIA Contract Documents; a-mail <br />The American Institute of Architects' legal counsel, copyright@ala.arg. <br />