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s <br />a _ <br />§ 2.4.g The Architect shall assist the Owner in connection with the t)wncr's responsibility fur I'iiin.; docunx•nts rcquirrd <br />for the approval of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over fire Project <br />§ 2.5 BIDDING OR NEGOTIATION PHASE; <br />The A,*chitect, following the Owners approval of the Construction Documents and of the latcsl preliminary cslimafe of <br />Construction Cost, shall assist the Owner in obtaining bids or negotiated proposals and assist in awarctin~~ and preparing <br />contracts for construction. ` <br />§ 2.6 CONSTRUCTION PHASE- ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT <br />§ 2.6.1 The Architect's responsibility to provide Basic Services liar the Construction Phase under this Agn;cn~enl <br />commences with the award of the initial Contract for Construction and terminates at the earlier of the issuance to the <br />-Owner of the. final Certiftcate for Payment or 60 days after the date ot~ Substantial Completion of the Work. <br />§ The Architect shall provide administration of the Contract for Construction ae set forth below anct in the odition <br />of AIA Docu;lr<ent A3Al, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, cun-ent xs of the daft: oP this Agreement, <br />unless othevvjse•provided in this Agreement. Modifications made to the General Conditions, when adapted as part of <br />the' Contra.GC-~ocumet~CS,. shall be enforceable under this Agreement only to the extent that they are consistent with tlvs <br />A:git'eenierit=oir,.appioved`in wining by the Arcbitect. <br />_:§ 2.6:3_Duties, resppnsibilities,and limitations of authority of the Architect ;under this Section 2.b shall noC be restricted, <br />:._ modr)`ied~or extended without written agreement of the Owner and Architect with consent of the Contractor, which <br />consent wti~ not;~e unreasonably withheld. <br />§`•~ 6 ~ The ~lxchttecr shall be a~epresentative of and shall advise and consult with the Owner during the administration <br />§ 2 6 5 The Aichitect,:as~ <br />.:.;Contractors ,onerations_ , <br />uettora,'The Architect shah ltage authority to act on behalf of the Owner only to the,extt <br />{ •- - <br />aG~riiless otherwise:ttf©dl#ed by written amendment. <br />. - <br />re resintattve4Q~'3he Owner, shall visit the site at intervals appropriate: to the stage of the <br />r as ~othert~se agreed by the Owner and the Architect ~in Article 12; (:l ~ to become generally <br />the-fawner inforrried about the progress and quality of the porciQn of the Work completed, (2) <br />lvuner against defects and deficiencies in the Work, attd`~ ~~~rto~determine in general if the <br />in,a;manner indicating that the Work, when fully ~m_p)eted, will be in accordance with the <br />rever, the Architect shall not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections <br />inary of the Work. The Architect shall neither have control over or charge of, nor be <br />uction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and <br />ith the Work, since these are solely the Contractor's rights and responsibilities under the <br />e~,;A~cficlc 12,12.2 ,<;~, <br />`i,~. <br />:- ~ ~_." <br />- _ 4..~. <br />J <br />~. ~-` <br />~~ ~,: <br />-. i y <br />', .~~ .. <br />:ct shall report to the Owner known deviations from.the Contract Documents and from the most <br />t schedule submitted by the Contractor. however, the Architect shall,not be responsible for the <br />to perform the Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Architect <br />e for the Architect's negligent acts or omissions, but shall not have control over or charge of and shall <br />for' acts or omissions of the Contractor, Subcontractors, or their agents or employees, or of any other <br />_',. ~~' perfiQ3ts or entities performing portions of the Work. <br />J ,`-~ <br />,` ~" § The Architect shall at all times have access to, tbea~it~ wherever it is in preparation or progress. <br />~ ~~ ~.8 Except as otherwise provided in this :P~g~ree n~ or when directcominunications have. been spe~~al,~u'~liiorized, <br />`~ the Owner shall endeavor to commurli~at~;~i~t~th~e Contractor through,tpe Architect .about mattes ~rtsi~g'but of or <br />relating to the Contxat:t Docum~~ititiicati.bttt; by and with,tlie Architect's consultan )lal~e~hrough the. <br />' s 1 ~~ ~i~17i~:tect. ~ y ~I ~~.~~ <br />v <br />2 b 9 CER~-iFl(i7~;~ES~ . AENT <br />tom", ~,~ 9,.~ 'F~t~~~tect~shail review and certify the amounts due the Con ~fat-fl shall issue certificates in such <br />~~iacoilft~s. <br />AIA DocumenE 6161 Tr -1897. Copyright ®1974, 1978, 1967; arM 1997 by The American. Institute of Architects. AtI rights reserved. WARNING: This <br />'AIA°Document'is protected by U.S. Copyri~M Law.and Intamadonat Treaties.-Unauthorized reproductbnor distribution of this AIA°nocumdnt; ::: ' 3 <br />.or any portion of i4 may rerun in severe cfvll ant! crtminal penalties, and' will be prosecuted to'the mezimum. extent possible underthe law. <br />Purchasers are permitted to reproduce ten (10) copies of this document when completed. To report copyright oblations of A(A Contract t7ocumerds, e•metl <br />The American Institute of Architects' legal counsel, oopyright( <br />