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4 <br />~ARTICI.E 1 ARCI~lTECTS RESPONSfBILITlES <br />§ 7.4 The services performed by the Architect, Architect's eiaployees and Architect's consultaiZts xh;ill hr ;~~ rnumerated <br />in Articles 2, 3 and 12. <br />§ 'E.2 The Architect's services shall be performed as e;cpeclitious:y as is consistc;nt with professional skill and care and <br />the orderly progress of the Project. The; Architect shat) submit for the Owner's approval a schedule; for the performance <br />of the Architect's services which may be adjusted as the Project proceeds- This schedule shall include allowances for <br />periods of time required for the Owner's review and for approval of submissions by authorities having jurisdiction over <br />the Project. Time limits established by this schedule appproved by the Owner shall uot, except for reasonable cause, be <br />exceeded by the Architect or Owner- Sen ~rhir,LQ 12,12.1. ~ ~ . <br />§ 1.3 The Architect shall designate a representative authorized to act on behalf of the Architect with respect to the <br />Project. <br />§ 7.4 The services covered by this Agreement are subject to the time limitations contained in Section I t.S. I . <br />A1tTICLE:2..SCOPEOFARCNIT.ECT'SBASICSERVICES Sam attache3 CR7 prcoposal for dc~s.ign services <br />§21 DtF1N!•TIUPI letter. ~te3 13/lG/Oa For additional inforrttar_ion regardiT~ :se~cvi~es . K R <br />"IG'lie Architect's Basic.Services: consist of those described in Sections 2.2 through 2.6 and any other services identified in <br />Article 12;-as p$it ofBastc Seiviees, and include normal strucWral, mechanical and electrical engineering services. <br />§-~~x $GNEMATiC-DESION RHAS~: <br />_ ~ 2i2.~ 'i`1te Architect si~il=tcvr~~tr'the program furnished by the O~yner to ascet4ain the requirements of the Project and <br />-shall amv~-atrta mutuat.underst~nding of such requiremoi~t.~nyitj,t~ the Owner. __ <br />3:2 2 ',i.',he Arc~hztect shall `provide a prelimutary e~valusiion of the Owner's program, schedule and constr+z'i`tion buiiget <br />requnements, each in teriYis of the other,,:str~ject to the limitations set forth in Section 5.2.1. <br />_ - ti ~• <br />2:2 3-Tlie•Arehtfect shallfievirrw wifli~he Owner alternative approaches to design and co~struptibn of the Project. <br />§ 2:2 4Based•on t6r; mutually agreed-upon program, schedule and construction:bt~ciget requirements, the Architect shall <br />~repa~{lot approval by the Qwner, Schematic Design Documents consisting of :drawings and other documents <br />illistrattiigthe si`a#t= atati=i@la4onship of Project components. <br />- ' .§ 2.2 5 Tfie.,Architect shall submit to the Owner a preliminary estimate of Construction Cost based on current area, <br />} ` - vQlumtr o~ suriilar';co~lceptual estimating techniques. <br />- >~. <br />,. ~-fi~~ DRSIGN'OE1~>=LOPMEN~"'PHASE <br />-~ x ~J~.>i § 2 ~ 1 l3at~,~-an the approved Schematic Design Documents and any adjustments authorized by the Owner in the <br />t ~~.F rog?~tn, sGt~leN~or construction budget, .the Architect, shall prepare, for approval by the Owner, Design Development <br />- '~~~o~cuttt'~htafec~zis5i§ting>9f drawings and other documents to fix and describe the size and character of the Project as to <br />- '~~ir~lii~etural, structural, mechanical aiid electrical systems, materials and such other may be appropriate. <br />§ 2;3~~The Architect shall advise the Owner of any adjustments tei:the preliminary estimate of Construction Cost <br />~-;t~ <br />- -~, <br />;- ~~ "§ 2 4 CONSTRUCi'ION DOCUR~ENTS P.. RASE .~ ~ ~- <br />2=4.t Based on the a roved Deli <br />~- " .~~, = ~ pp gtrDevelopm~i~itments and any further adjustments in the scope o~gtl"ik~! of <br />_~ 3 • -~e: project or in.the construction budget authgt,~zed'~y the Owner„the Architect shall prepare, for app~va~ b~!ldie <br />.Owner, Construction Documents consli~~,ojl~rawings anti Specifications setting forth in detail tli~re~ttfements.fot <br />~,.- <br />the construction of the Project, ~~"'~ ~, <br />R' ~ Fri 3 Y _ .eP° w ~ - ..:... <br />§ 2,4 ~~'he Archttect shal,~ ~st Clie Ownerin the preparation of the necessary bidditysltination,. bidding forms, the <br />!: 7 ~ ~ Tondil~ibns~f the,~oit¢1,-~ttid the forrtt•of A~ement between the Owner al~d~(-t'~c or. <br />_" ~~§~`2 4.3 The'Arc~-ttect shall advise the Owner of any adjustments to previopfeliminary estimates of Construction Cast <br />indicated by changes in requirements or general market conditions: <br />AIA Document 6151 TM -199.7: Copyright ®1974;.1976, 1987,. and 1997 byThe American lrestitute bt Archketits. All rights reserved. NfARNINQ: This ' <br />AIA° Document is protected by US. Copyright l.sw and tnternatlo~l-Treaties. WnaUtl-o~ized reproduction or distribution of this AIA° D'ocumerM, 2 <br />- or any portion of it, may result in severe c1v11 and crlnelnal periahies;: and .will'be prosecuted to the maximum extent'possible under the law. <br />Purchasers are permitted to reproduce. tart (Tt)) copies of this dowment when:campleted: To report copyright violations of AIA Contract Documents, e-mail <br />The American Institute of Architects' legal counsel, <br />