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1~ <br />§ 11.3.2 ror Additional Services of the Architect, as described in Articles ;anti I'3, olhcr th_ui i I } Arfdiliunal Pri~jcc[ <br />Representation, as described in Section 3.2, and (2) services included in Article 12. as part of 13asir Scrvic:cs, bw <br />excluding services of consultants, compensation shall be computed as li~llaws: <br />(Insert basis of compensation, including rates and multiples of Direct Perronne l Expeus'e.for l'rurcvpcrls and rmplnycrrs. <br />and identify Principals ctnd classify employees, if required. lderrtifj~ .5)~ecifr`c services to ~-vhic'h partic•rrlcrr ~nr. thocLs of <br />compensation apply, if necessary.) <br />SeP paragraph 11.3.1 at~ve <br />,~ ; - <br />§ J1 ! 3,3 for Adti~ti©nal Services `of Consultants, in~ud~-g aadidonal structural, mechanical and electrical engin~ri~g <br />- setvice~ and tho~e.provtdecl under Section 3 419~d~ntified in Article 12 as part of Additional Services; a mttiltiple of <br />one mid 210 - ( ,~:~-~., ')times the amounts billed to the Architect for such.selatices. <br />_~. ,,,__ <br />(Identify s)tecifie: types:of consultdrttsT~rc,4rficle 12, if required.) - <br />§ 11'4 REMB}JRSABLL ~CpENSES ' ' : ` <br />For Reitnbursabl~Expetises; as described in Section 10.2, and any other items tnirjttdedtn Article 12 as Reimbursable <br />Expenses; a multiple of t~Cit' ( 1, 0 ) titnaes.~te expenses incurred by the Architect, <br />the Arc.iutect s-eiiiplo}!ees:andconsultanes directly related to the Project. <br />§-11`5 /~DlTIOtdAL PROVt$lONS <br /> <br />covered by this Agreement have not been completed within twelve <br />date hereof, through no fault of the Architect, extension of the Architect's services beyond <br />scl as provided in Sections .10.3.3 and 11.3.2. <br />§ 11 5 2 p~y~th~tsare; dtte and payable tW611ty ( 20 }days from the date of tbe <br />u., <br />Arc,~,tec`t's it-voice. Amounts tinpaid twt?xlty-f:ive ( 25 }.days after the invoice date shall <br />~~ wrest a; the rate entered below,.or in the absence thereof at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at the <br />principl3dl plaebf business of the Architect. <br />= (Lisert,rate o,~nterest agreed upon.) <br />Six,2t (6%) . <br />r ~ , <br />- ~ i <br />. ~ ~ _ <br />{Usury laws and requirements under~~~irai``Truth in:Lendtng Act simtlar stet <br />and other regulattgns at the Owner rchttect`s prtnctpal places ofbttstness; ti <br />;~ el~ewhere'tna~'~'ect the val~dt~~~rs provision. Spec:fit legal tdvtce.should be c <br />{; s tirtodtftcations~ d~td also zar~ui~ requirements such. as written disclosures or wad <br />3~ _ ,~~_ <br />S. ,§ 1'F S 3 'T'l~_~a~s~nd f5~ultiples set forth for Additional Services shall be ad~i <br />review"pnc~tirz;so~the.Architect.. -~ - <br />?ilc3'edit laws <br />jest piid . <br />to aleletions.or <br />accordance with the:nomial salary <br />A!A° Qbcument is protected by U S., Copyright and Ititertratiori8i7reattes. Unauthorized reproducdoh o'r~disMbutton of this i41A° l)ooument, ' 4 <br />or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and crhniiiai: peoaltles, and rvipte prostFCuteii to.thq maximurtr extent possible underiha lew. <br />f urohasers are permitted to reproduce ten (10) copies of lids moment when completed: To repoit copydght yblafions of A1A Contract Uocliments; a-mail <br />The American Institute of Architects' legal counsel, copyright( <br />