Orange County NC Website
- _ <br />732 <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, to permit <br />changes in position titles requested by Chapel Hill and Carrboro if they meet <br />the new guidelines and are within the budgeted amount. Vote: ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, to assign <br />the two slots originally allocated to JOCCA back to JOCCA. Vote: ayes, 5; noes, 0, <br />Commissioner Pinney moved, seconded by Commissioner lillhoit, to assign the <br />two persons currently assigned to Orange County Tax Supervisor to JOCCA. Vote: <br />ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />Agenda Item 5: Consideration of Grady Brown Renovation <br />The Board considered the Manager's memorandum which listed the fallowing <br />alternatives: 1) rebid total project, 2) rebid buildings B & C, 3) redesign <br />project around building A and remove building B, and 4) new construction in <br />governmental complex. <br />Mr. Joe Nassif was in the audience to discuss possibilities with the Board. <br />Commissioner Whitted asked whether there would be additional bidders if the <br />project were rebid and Mr. Nassif replied, yes. <br />Mr. Nassif indicated it would be the first or second week in December before <br />he could report the bid results back to the Board. He suggested the Board ask <br />the electrical and plumbing contractors to hold their present bids where they <br />stand. <br />Commissioner Pinney asked if the County would be obligated to accept these <br />bids if the contractors held them. Mr. Nassif said, No. If they wish to hold <br />their bids, they can extend the time. <br />Commissioner Whitted asked Mr. Nassif where the county stood with the proposal <br />to provide more space far court and upgrading jail facilities. <br />Jdr. Nassif said we would be able to see what funds were available after <br />the decision was made on Grady Brown. <br />Commissioner Pinney asked if Mr. Nassif was prepared to bid the .jail at the <br />same time. Mr. Nassif replied, no. Commissioner Pinney said if we bid the jail <br />we could see how far off we were on the jail estimate. <br />Commissioner Walker said it would not be a serious bid because the county <br />does not have the money. _ <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit, to request <br />the County Manager and Mr. Nassif to prepare rebidding of the Grady Brown project, <br />to determine if the plumbing and electrical contractors are willing to hold their <br />present bids and, if not, to rebid the total package. Vote: ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />Agenda Item 7: Old Post Office Buildin in Cha el Hill <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked the County Manager to look into estimate bids for <br />the old past office building in Chapel Hill as a prospect for county offices. <br />Agenda Item 8: Legislative Conference <br />Commissioner Whitted told the Board the Legislative Conference was set for <br />December 6 - 7 at the Hyatt Regency, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Commissioner <br />l•Jhitted felt taxation and tax reform issues important to pursue for the county's <br />survival in key areas. <br />Commissioner Whitted said the Farm Credit Services stockholders meeting would <br />be on Tuesday, October 31. Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson that the Chairman attend this meeting. Vote: ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />There being no further business, th~,me n was ad' ur, ed <br />yf ~~.~ -- <br />~ '~ <br />Richard Whit e~, Chairman <br />Mary Lou Bouley, Clerk <br />