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729 <br />The Finance birector told the Board the State Bar Association had written a <br />letter in support of the project. <br />The Register of heeds told the Board the commitment of $50,000 which the <br />Board must endorse for the county to be eligible for the grant would not be due <br />until after July 1, 1979. <br />Commissioner Walker said that would make it possible to appropriate money in <br />next year's budget. . <br />Commissioner Gustaveson said he would like to give a letter of support and <br />endorsement but not give final commitment until the Board had time to review the <br />bottom line of the final grant. <br />The Register of heeds said the State would require this type endorsement from <br />counties interviewed as a'show of good faith. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded 6y Commissioner Walker, moved a strong <br />letter of endorsement accompany the grant proposal for this project with the <br />intent to show good faith to support our commitments for 1979, 1980 and 1981. <br />Vote: ayes, 4; noes, 0. <br />Agenda Item 4: Extraterritorial Zoning Jurisdi„ction of <br />Town of Chapel Hill~~ <br />Commissioner Whitted brought the audience up-to-date on the series of events <br />that had transpired up to this point. He said one of the issues to be considered <br />was the treatment of mobile homes in the Chapel Hill zoning ordinance. He said <br />the Chapel Hill Planning Board had recommended the ordinance be amended to conform <br />with the Orange County ordinance as it pertains to mobile homes and they had <br />made this recommendation to the Board of Aldermen. <br />Mrs. Barbour told the Board of Commissioners that Chapel Hill Planning Board <br />-_ would not make its recommendation before November 14th to the Board of Aldermen <br />and it was her understanding that mobile homes would not be tolerated except in <br />the rural transition area. <br />Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, moved the County <br />Attorney prepare a mutual reciprocal resolution to transfer the planning .jurisdiction <br />from Orange County to Town of Chapel Hill describing an area beginning 300 feet <br />west of the center line of Highway 86 at the present jurisdiction line, north to <br />the midpoint of the power line easement, east along the power line easement to the <br />existing district line and that the resolution include Chapel Hill's zoning ordinance <br />be amended to permit mobile home parks in this area subject to the Town's special <br />use procedure and that Chapel Hill township's land classification map be amended <br />to designate this area as transition area. <br />Commissioner Walker said he did not want to make a decision on this issue with <br />one commissioner absent. He felt the entire Board should be involved. <br />Cortanissioner Whitted was concerned about the phrase, mobile home park. <br />Commissioner Willhoit said mobile homes would be permitted in the rural <br />transition zone. Individual mobile homes would not be permitted in the transition <br />zone. <br />Commissioner Pinney arrived. <br />Commissioner Willhoit felt the definition of mobile homes needed clarification. <br />He said there are two ways to fasten mobile homes down: 1) strap them down, or <br />2} bolt them to a foundation. He said Orange County's zoning ordinance is not <br />as good as Chapel Hill's in its ability to deal with urban-type commercial develop- <br />ment. He said the subdivision standards are different. Chapel Hill requires curb <br />and gutters, thicker road base and review by departments of public works, police <br />and fire. He said the transition area is likely to become part of the municipality <br />or become urbanized in five to ten years. He said he would like to see the Orange <br />County Planning Council get back on tract to deal with major issues in the county <br />and appoint some ex officio members to the Planning Board. <br />Commissioner Walker felt Orange County should make its ordinance adequate <br />if it were not adequate. He also said the people living in the extraterritorial <br />area did not want to live where they had no voice in their government. He felt <br />it was premature to act before Chapel Hill took action on the things Orange County <br />has requested. Commissioner Walker moved the Board table this item until proper <br />