Orange County NC Website
728 <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />OCTOBER 17, 1978 <br />The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, <br />October 17, 1978, at 7:00 p.m., in the Commissioners' Room of the Courthouse in <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Members present: Commissioners Richard Whitted, Norman Walker, Donald Willhoit - <br />Norman Gustaveson and Jan Pinney.. <br />Chairman Richard Whitted opened the meeting by asking if any Board member wisheu <br />to add additional items to the agenda. <br />The following items were added to the agenda: <br />Agenda Item 7: old Chapel Hill Post Office Building <br />Agenda Ttem 8: North Carolina Association of Count Commissioners <br />Legis ative Conference Oecem er 6 - 7 <br />Chairman Whitted then asked if any member of the audience had additional items <br />to be added to the agenda. <br />Mrs. Josephine Barbour asked the Board to determine who was responsible for <br />cleaning the old courthouse. The Chairman requested the staff look into this. <br />Agenda Item 2: <br />Mi nutes__o_f October. 2,-1978 <br />The minutes of October 2, 1978 were approved after correction. <br />Agenda Item 3: <br />Land Title Records Project <br />The Register of Oeeds told the Board that Orange County was one of ten counties <br />selected to participate in a $200,000 land title management grant from HUD to the <br />State of .North Carolina. The purpose of the grant is to create a multi-purpose <br />model for land data. She cited examples of land data such as tax assessments, <br />tax collection, zoning restrictions, building permits, deeds, judgments, easements, <br />etc. HUD will use model systems as a major demonstration project and Orange County <br />has systems that can be adapted to a master file concept wF~ich will provide campasit <br />source data through a parcel identification system. HUD requires a show of good <br />faith which would require the County Commissioners to agree to a $50,000 allocation <br />over a two year period - $25,000 during budget year 1979-80 and $25,000 during <br />budget year 1981-$2. Orange County would also be required to employ a project <br />manager to insure the system will be ongoing. The grant may cover all expenses <br />except office space and office furniture and the time and effort of county personnel. <br />The Tax Supervisor expressed his enthusiasm for the project. He said the <br />county would be able to incorporate planning and zoning information into the <br />assessment system and mapping and other information would be available for <br />appraisal purposes. He said since the county had a computerized appraisal system, <br />it would not take much to transfer to a land parcel system. The. Planning Director <br />expressed his enthusiasm for the project. The Tax ~ollector told the Board although <br />his data was already computerized, this system woul keep it up-to-date. <br />The Finance Director said the county's primary commitment would be a direct <br />cash outlay of up to $50,000 for computer equipment. This would probably be about <br />$30,000 a year for the first two years of the project - $25,000 plus space and <br />equipment. He felt with Orange County's present computer system and terminals, <br />the cost would probably be less than same other counties. <br />Keith Brooks told the Board the additional hardware needed probably would be <br />a digitizer and additional terminals. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson asked the impact this system would have on <br />attorneys. <br />