Orange County NC Website
2 <br />recommended that the funds paid by the towns in yearly maintenance be set aside and held in a <br />fund for future enhancement and to pay programming costs for unplanned law changes as <br />directed by the North Carolina General Assembly. Attachment A reflects the percentages for <br />each of the jurisdictions involved as reflected within the Addendum. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The adoption of this Addendum will have no direct financial cost <br />associated for Orange County. It is estimated the towns will pay in support for the first full year <br />the combined total of $36,480. That amount is based on a cost of $160,000 support cost per <br />year. In addition to the yearly maintenance costs, the towns will also pay yearly installments, <br />beginning in FY 2010-11, toward the cost of acquisition and installation of the billing and <br />collections portion of the PIMS system, which totals $875,975. The amount of the towns' <br />installment payments is based on a percentage of participation equivalent to the number of <br />billings currently handled by Orange County on behalf of each jurisdiction, as reflected in <br />Attachment A. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />• Approve the recommended Addendum and authorize the Chair to sign the Addendum; <br />• Direct the Manager to forward the Addendum to the corresponding jurisdictions for <br />approval and signatures; and <br />• Direct the Financial Services Director to establish a reserve account to be held for future <br />enhancements and payment required for law-change requirements over and above the <br />yearly maintenance cost for participation with the software vendors. <br />