Orange County NC Website
<br />DRAFT PROPOSAL <br />Land Conservation Seminar Series <br />November 2009 - Apri12010 <br />A series of public workshops/seminars that will promote private land conservation (farmland, <br />natural areas, and prime forests). Co-sponsored by Orange Co., SWCD, Eno River Assoc., others <br />1. Sustainable Forest Management and Stewardship <br />Potential Topics: Landowner options, forest mgmt., conservation easements <br />Potential speakers: Jake Pressley (Orange County Forester, NC DFR) <br />John Howard (District Forester) <br />Judd Edeburn (Duke Forest, Nicholas School) <br />Gerry Gaertner (North State Forestry Consulting) <br />Barney Bernard (Bernard & Dryman Consulting Forestry) <br />Jacquelyn Wallace (Wildlife Resources Commission) <br />2. Landowner Assistance Programs <br />Potential Topics: SWCD/NRCS cost-share programs, conservation easements <br />Potential speakers: Brent Bogue/Gail Hughes: NRCS/SWCD cost share programs <br />Rich Shaw (ERCD): Lands Legacy, conservation easements <br />Robin Jacobs/Kurt Schlimme (Eno River Assoc.) <br />Jeff Masten/Bo Howes (Triangle Land Conservancy) <br />Phyllis Ruth (Farm Services Agency) <br />Perry Sugg (NC Ecosystem Enh. Program) <br />3. Conservation Planning and Development <br />Potential Topics: site evaluation, conservation options, conservation development <br />Potential speakers: Brian Dobyns/Dolly Hunter: assessing the land and its values <br />Guenevere Abernathy (Unique Places): <br />Terry Hackett (OC Erosion Control): stormwater mgmt <br />(OC Planning Dept.): conservation options <br />Marabeth Carr/Carl Matyac: sustainable landscaping (?) <br />4. Financial Benefits of Conservation Easements <br />Potential Topics: conservation easements, state/fed tax benefits, testimonials <br />Potential speakers: Rich Shaw (ERCD) <br />Robin Jacobs (ERA) & Bo Howes (TLC) <br />Attorney (Geof Gledhill, Mike Parker, Bob Epting) <br />Tax attorney/advisor <br />Conservation easement landowners <br />Schedule: October, November 2009 <br />January, February, March 2010 <br />Publicity: Direct emails, Newspaper, Website, Flyers? RSS? Newsletters? <br />