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<br />GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />SESSION 2009 <br />SESSION LAW 2009-378 <br />SENATE BILL 658 <br />AN ACT TO MODIFY THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT <br />BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND TO PROVIDE THAT THE FURLOUGH OF A MEMBER <br />OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM SHALL <br />NOT DIMINISH THE EMPLOYEE'S STATUS IN THE RETIREMENT SYSTEM. <br />The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts: <br />SECTION 1. G.S. 135-96 reads as rewritten: <br />"§ 135-96. Supplemental Retirement Board of Trustees. <br />(a) The Supplemental Retirement Board of Trustees is established to administer the <br />Supplemental Retirement Income Plan established under the provisions of this Article and the <br />North Carolina Public Employee Deferred Compensation Plan established under <br />G.S. 143B-426.24. <br />(b) The Board consists of nine voting members, as follows: <br />(1) Six persons appointed by the Governor who have experience in finance and <br />investments, one of whom shall be a State en~leyee; employee, and one of <br />whom shall be a retired State or local governmental employee; <br />(2) One person appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation <br />of the Speaker of the House of Representatives; <br />(3) One person appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation <br />of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate; and <br />(4) The State Treasurer, ex officio, who shall be the Chair. <br />(c) The initial appointments by the General Assembly and two of the Governor's initial <br />appointments shall be for one-year terms. The remainder of the initial appointments shall be for <br />two-year terms. At the expiration of these initial terms, appointments shall be for two years and <br />shall be made by the appointing authorities designated in subsection (b) of this section. A <br />member shall continue to serve until the member's successor is duly appointed, but a holdover <br />under this provision does not affect the expiration date of the succeeding term. No member of <br />the Board may serve more than three consecutive two-year terms. <br />(d) Other than ex officio members, members appointed by the Governor shall serve at <br />the Governor's pleasure. An ex officio member may designate in writing, filed with the Board, <br />any employee of the member's department to act at any meeting of the Board from which the <br />member is absent, to the same extent that the member could act if present in person at such <br />meeting." <br />SECTION 2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law and upon the one-time <br />irrevocable election of the employer as defined in G.S. 128-21(11), a public employee on a <br />furlough who is a member of the Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System <br />administered by the Retirement Systems Division of the Department of State Treasurer shall be <br />considered in active service during any period of furlough and shall be entitled to all of the <br />same benefits to which the employee was entitled on the workday immediately preceding the <br />furlough. The member shall suffer no diminution of retirement average final compensation <br />based on being on furlough, and the retirement average final compensation shall be calculated <br />based on the undiminished compensation. During a furlough period, the employer who opts for <br />this provision shall pay both employee and employer contributions to the Retirement Systems <br />Division on behalf of the furloughed employee as though the employee were in active service. <br />Notwithstanding the definition of "compensation" in G.S. 128-21(7a), any employer who elects <br />to cover its furloughed employees through this provision shall be entitled to include earnings <br />lost due to furloughs taken after January 1, 2009, and before July 1, 2009, in the reported <br />compensation and contributions for either July or August, 2009. Any compensation and <br />~mnnai <br />