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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: October 20, 2009 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. ~~- ~ <br />SUBJECT: Receipt of Funds for H1 N1 Influenza Response Phase I and II and Approval of <br />Fees for Providin H1 N1 Vaccinations <br />DEPARTMENT: Health PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />None <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Rosemary Summers, 245-2411 <br />PURPOSE: To accept funds for H1 N1 Influenza Response Phase I and II and approval fees <br />for providing H1N1 vaccinations. <br />BACKGROUND: The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) allocated funds for pandemic flu <br />preparation, specifically H1N1 influenza response. The CDC made funds available to states, <br />and in turn the NC Division of Public Health is distributing these funds to each local health <br />department on a population-based formula. This funding of Phase I has a required focus on <br />planning and Phase II has a required focus on enhanced surveillance. <br />The Health Department will use the funding for the purpose of supporting expedited revisions <br />and expansion of the pandemic influenza (pan flu) plans and for activities that will enable the <br />Health Department to rapidly detect and respond to the next outbreak of H1 N1 flu virus. <br />• Phase I Scope of work includes: hiring temporary staff to develop, update & revise <br />pandemic flu plans to comply with required benchmarks. These include: updated <br />vaccination plans, updated policy and procedure to ensure cold chain security for vaccine <br />transport and storage, updated plans for data entry into North Carolina Immunization <br />Registry (NCIR), updated plans for training surge staff on data entry, and other H1N1 <br />activities /documentation as directed by Public Health Emergency Response program <br />guidance. The federal guidance has strict guidelines for non-supplantation. The <br />Department is currently exploring the feasibility of re-directing current staff toward <br />updating these plans and hiring temporary staff to back-fill current staff duties. <br />• Phase II Scope of work includes: hiring temporary epidemiology staff to develop, update <br />and revise plans to comply with required benchmarks. Benchmarks include: pan flu <br />response plans that include epidemiologic response plans and provide surge capacity to <br />investigate cases in the community. These plans should also include enhancement of Epi <br />Teams, cross training of current staff and identification and recruitment of non-Health <br />