Orange County NC Website
In 2009, CIGNA introduced a new online assessment developed by the University of Michigan <br />Health Management Research Center. Employees were informed of this tool, called My Health <br />Assessment, and the Health Advisor program, which provides free online and telephonic <br />coaching designed to encourage and improve healthy behaviors. In 2009, as a voluntary <br />program, approximately 5% of employees completed the assessment. <br />As part of the Board 2010 Benefits Recommendation approval, employees and retirees must <br />complete the health risk assessment (HRA) to avoid paying a $10 per month health insurance <br />premium. Once the HRA is completed the $10 premium will be forgiven for the rest of the year. <br />The premium will encourage a large number of employees to complete the assessment. <br />Additional communication and incentives will encourage more employees to complete the <br />assessment. The NCACC grant will be used to encourage 100% participation in HRA <br />completion and will support other wellness activities for 2010. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The grant request is for $7,500. A County match is not required. Grant <br />funds will be expended from January 2010-December 2010. Therefore, any funds received will <br />be placed in a multi-year, grant project fund. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />1. Authorize submission of the County's wellness grant application to the North Carolina <br />Association of County Commissioners; <br />2. Accept any funds awarded; and <br />3. Pending grant approval, establish a grant project ordinance to monitor expenditures per <br />the grantor's request. <br />