Agenda - 10-20-2009 - 4a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-20-2009
Agenda - 10-20-2009 - 4a
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Last modified
3/8/2011 10:37:34 AM
Creation date
10/20/2009 8:31:52 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20091020
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
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8 <br /> <br />1 Commissioner Jacobs said that Orange County has a higher priority on US 70 and he <br />2 asked why NC 86 was chosen. Scott Walsh said that he was not part of the decision-making <br />3 process at the time. Commissioner Jacobs asked for this information. <br />4 Chair Foushee left at 7:57 PM. <br />5 Vice Chair Mike Nelson then chaired the meeting. <br />6 <br />7 Paul Black with the Triangle Area RPO said that he has learned that when the Strategic <br />8 Highway Corridors were done, there was a certain scale, and the plan was adopted by the <br />9 Board of Transportation. <br />10 Commissioner Jacobs said that if DOT is doing a Comprehensive Transportation Plan, <br />11 then Orange County is not really doing it. It is being handed to the County as a blueprint and <br />12 then the County Commissioners are going to ask the public for their opinion, but DOT has <br />13 already decided the priorities. He would like to tell the public this. He is hesitant to agree to <br />14 something that he does not agree with. He would like to have an opportunity to talk to someone <br />15 in decision-making about US 70 versus NC 86. <br />16 Scott Walsh said that there is flexibility with this particular corridor, and the concerns <br />17 about US 70 will be addressed. <br />18 A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />19 approve the timeline for the CTP process with the changes suggested by Commissioner <br />20 Gordon and approve the release of the CTP survey, with the amendments suggested by <br />21 Commissioner Gordon and Commissioner Jacobs. These amendments include listing options <br />22 for getting around downtown Hillsborough (page 15), bike lanes on the expressway, additional <br />23 options in the survey for NC 86 (page 14, #11, "Do not make Hwy 86 an expressway, change <br />24 the road name from Smith to Williams (pg 13). <br />25 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />26 <br />27 d. New County Website <br />28 The Board received a presentation on the new Orange County website. <br />29 Chief Information Officer Todd Jones said that there has been a collaborative effort of <br />30 putting together this new website by all departments over the last three years. Every <br />31 department in the County provided webmaster representation and sat on a committee for three <br />32 years to try and achieve the goal of the new County website. The website will constantly be in <br />33 flux, and this is a new platform upon which new information and upgrades will be added. He <br />34 said that he is proud of all of the work by all involved. <br />35 Because of this collaborative work, it was done at a modest cost. All that was <br />36 outsourced was the template design work. Some of the high points of redesign are: <br />37 - Consistency across departments <br />38 - Addressing of accessibility issues <br />39 - Options for searching <br />40 - Make the website "public-centric" (make it easy for public to find things using layman's <br />41 terms) <br />42 - Using current technology to make the website sustainable <br />43 - Make sure that the website works on different devices <br />44 - Keep departmental information updated <br />45 <br />46 <br />47 Todd Jones said that all webmasters and Information Technology staff has been <br />48 trained on this process. <br />
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