Orange County NC Website
6 <br />1 o Bicycle and Pedestrian (ex. Greenways such as Mountains to the Sea Trail) <br />2 - Map set and written report <br />3 - Recommendations <br />4 o Existing, Needs Improvement, Recommended <br />5 - Highway Categories <br />6 o Freeways, Expressways, Boulevards, other major thoroughfares, minor <br />7 thoroughfares (see end of presentation for detailed information) <br />8 - Strategic Highway Corridors <br />9 o Ultimate vision for maintaining statewide mobility -specifically identifies the <br />10 desired facility type for each corridor <br />11 o Impact on our study area: I-40/I-85 -Freeway <br />12 o NC 86 -upgrade to expressway <br />13 <br />14 Benefits of a CTP <br />15 - Common, cohesive future transportation vision among the county, its municipalities, <br />16 NCDOT, and the planning organizations <br />17 - Emphasis on incorporation of local priorities, local land use plans, community goals, and <br />18 statewide goals (Strategic Highway Corridors) <br />19 - Customer-friendly documentation <br />20 - Emphasis on multiple modes of transportation eases travel demand and allows travelers <br />21 more choices <br />22 - Well-informed public <br />23 - Corridor protection for future growth needs <br />24 <br />25 Progress/Next Steps <br />26 - Committee progress <br />27 o Vision Statement/Goals and Objectives <br />28 o Modeled Roadways map <br />29 o Public survey and distribution plan <br />30 Currently: public awareness meeting plans <br />31 Currently: data collection and projection <br />32 Next committee meeting -September 16 <br />33 - Items <br />34 o Public survey <br />35 Go-Live date of September 16, pending approval <br />36 Open through October 31 <br />37 - Timeline <br />38 o Public awareness meeting <br />39 <br />40 Orange County CTP Website: <br />41 <br />42 <br />43 <br />44 Commissioner Gordon thanked all for coming out. She made reference to page 8 and <br />45 the Task Timeline. Under DCHC MPO, the 4th bullet should say Transportation Advisory <br />46 Committee and not Transportation Advisory Board. Also, regarding the last section, <br />47 Endorse/Adopt final plan, she said that her understanding is that the DCHC MPO endorses the <br />48 Orange County portion inside the MPO and then as a courtesy they also endorse or concur with <br />49 the RPO. Also, TARPO endorses the CTP but gives a courtesy endorsement for the part inside <br />50 the MPO. She said that the way it is written needs to be changed. She suggested adding, <br />