Orange County NC Website
5 <br />1 Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro (DCHC) Metropolitan Planning Organization staff on the Orange <br />2 County Comprehensive Transportation Plan and considered approving the timeline for the <br />3 process and the proposed survey. <br />4 Karen Lincoln summarized this item. She said that the Comprehensive Transportation <br />5 Plan is a coordinated effort between Orange County, North Carolina Department of <br />6 Transportation, DCHC Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the Triangle Area Rural <br />7 Planning Organization. She recognized the representatives of these agencies: Sara Ezzell and <br />8 Scott Walson from NCDOT; Andy Henry from the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan <br />9 Planning Organization; and Paul Black from the Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization. <br />10 She said that the timeline and survey were developed in coordination with the Orange Unified <br />11 Transportation Board and Sam Lasris was also in attendance. <br />12 Sara Ezzell made the PowerPoint presentation. <br />13 <br />14 Orange County Comprehensive Transportation Plan <br />15 <br />16 Previous Transportation Planning in Study Area <br />17 - Orange County Thoroughfare Plan -study completed in 1990, but never adopted <br />18 - Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO is currently working on a study for their area, which <br />19 includes the municipalities of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Hillsborough <br />20 o We are coordinating with the DCHC study <br />21 <br />22 What is a CTP? <br />23 - Along-range multi-modal transportation plan <br />24 - Developed cooperatively with NCDOT, the local planning organizations, and <br />25 representatives from the county and its municipalities <br />26 - Emphasizes incorporating local land use plans and community goals <br />27 - Adopted at 3 levels -local (county/municipalities), regional (MPO/RPO), and state <br />28 (NCDOT) <br />29 <br />30 How is a CTP used in an RPO? <br />31 Projects would be selected from a CTP for inclusion in the Transportation Improvement <br />32 Program (TIP) <br />33 <br />34 - The CTP has a 25-30 year time span and is not fiscally constrained <br />35 - TIP is a 7-year planning document and funding schedule, adopted by NCDOT Board of <br />36 Transportation <br />37 o Please note -this process is currently being modified <br />38 <br />39 How is a CTP used in an MPO? <br />40 Projects would be selected from a CTP for inclusion in the Long-Range Transportation Plan <br />41 (LRTP), then further selected for inclusion in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) <br />42 <br />43 - Adds LRTP into the same process as with an RPO <br />44 - The LRTP is the fiscally constrained portion of the CTP, has a minimum 20-year time <br />45 span, and is adopted by the MPO's Transportation Advisory Committee <br />46 o Please note -this process is currently being modified <br />47 Components of a CTP <br />48 - Emphasis on multi-modal <br />49 o Highway <br />50 o Public Transportation and Rail <br />