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19 <br /> <br />1 of those, 57 have the Tax Administrator carry both titles. She does have the education <br />2 qualification, but not the field experience. <br />3 Commissioner Nelson said that this is good idea but there is not enough information for <br />4 him to make a uniformed decision about such a huge reorganization. <br />5 Commissioner Jacobs asked to see the short and long-term plan and have the Board <br />6 approve it. <br />7 Jo Roberson said that the plan is to bring back the reorganization plan at a later date. <br />8 This will tentatively be brought back to the Board on October 6t . <br />9 Commissioner Jacobs said that the outsourcing of billing on EMS was something that <br />10 the Board decided specifically not to do because people would not call for an ambulance <br />11 because they could not afford to pay for it. Now there is a system where Jo Roberson works <br />12 with people to pay the bills. When it is outsourced, there is no level of sensitivity. <br />13 Jo Roberson said that the representative from the vendor intends to come to a meeting <br />14 and there will be information about the billing process, which is built to the County's <br />15 specifications. She thinks that the Board will be pleasantly surprised. <br />16 <br />17 Commissioner Gordon made a friendly amendment to the motion, which would add <br />18 bullet #4 to the motion on the floor: "bring back to the Board of County Commissioners a plan <br />19 for reorganization and a plan for other aspects of the reorganization before those plans are <br />20 implemented." <br />21 This amendment was accepted. <br />22 VOTE: Ayes, 5; No, 1 (Commissioner Nelson) <br />23 <br />24 Commissioner Nelson left at 9:59 PM after asking Commissioner Gordon to chair the <br />25 meeting. <br />26 A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br />27 to recognize Commissioner Gordon as acting Chair for the remainder of the meeting. <br />28 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />29 <br />30 c. Employee Benefits Recommendation and Update <br />31 The Board considered approving the County Manager's 2010 employee benefits <br />32 recommendations becoming effective January 1, 2010, and to provide the Board with an update <br />33 on employee benefits. <br />34 Human Resources Director Michael McGinnis made a PowerPoint presentation. <br />35 <br />36 County Manager's <br />37 2010 Employee Benefits Recommendation <br />38 <br />39 BOCC Regular Meeting <br />40 September 15, 2009 <br />41 <br />42 Current Benefits Plans <br />43 Contributory County Benefits <br />44 ^Health Care Plan (NCACC/CIGNA) <br />45 ^Dental Care Plan (Delta Dental of NC) <br />46 ^Life Insurance Plan (MetLife) <br />47 ^EAP (Magellan Behavioral Services) <br />48 ^Flexible Spending Account (Tucker Administrators) <br />49 ^401(k) Supplemental Retirement (Prudential) <br />50 <br />