Orange County NC Website
18 <br />1 community enhancements or responses to issues directly and indirectly associated with the <br />2 landfill being where it is. <br />3 Commissioner Nelson said that he would like the Manager to come back with a memo to <br />4 address this issue. <br />5 Commissioner Jacobs said to address the short and long-term needs that affect the <br />6 Rogers Road area at the December 15th meeting. <br />7 Commissioner Nelson said that this issue should come back as a memo and an <br />8 information item, and the short and long-term needs can be put on a separate track. <br />9 Myra Dotson said that she has been trying to get wells tested on Orange Grove Road. <br />10 She said that many of the residents on Orange Grove Road are not going through the Health <br />11 Department, but through private companies so that their wells are not being condemned by the <br />12 State. She said that there is a huge problem with people living with bad wells and buying <br />13 drinking water. The new wells are the ones that are going bad. <br />14 A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br />15 to approve authorizing the Chair to sign the attached memoranda of agreement with UNC-CH, <br />16 Duke, and the Association for the Preservation of the Eno River. <br />17 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />18 <br />19 A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordon that, <br />20 if appropriate, for staff to coordinate information gathered with the Groundwater Observation <br />21 Well Network with the scheduled development of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the <br />22 Unified Development Ordinance. <br />23 Commissioner Yuhasz said that it is unnecessary to put a strain on an already strained <br />24 Planning Department. <br />25 VOTE: Ayes, 5; No, 1 (Commissioner Yuhasz) <br />26 <br />27 b. Reorganization of Revenue and Assessor's Office <br />28 The Board considered proposed plans related to the merging of the Assessor's Office <br />29 and Revenue into one department to allow for a smooth and efficient transition while working to <br />30 maintain the same levels in quality service currently provide to the public. <br />31 Frank Clifton said that, in response to retirements and the Board's mission to create an <br />32 efficient organizational structure, staff is recommending the new position of Tax Administrator, <br />33 as laid out in the abstract. It would coincide with the retirement of the Tax Assessor. <br />34 A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br />35 to approve appointing Jo Roberson as Tax Administrator for a term to run consistent with Ms. <br />36 Roberson's current appointment to begin upon the retirement of Tax Assessor John Smith; and <br />37 to authorize the Manager and staff to: <br />38 <br />39 1) continue efforts toward consolidation of the Tax Assessor's office and Revenue <br />40 Department; <br />41 2) develop contractual agreements with retired employees in the Tax Assessor's office; <br />42 and <br />43 3) continue efforts to review outsourcing the County's EMS initial billing and insurance <br />44 filing process and the business and personal property listing functions. <br />45 <br />46 Frank Clifton said that Jo Roberson will retire June 30, 2011. <br />47 <br />48 <br />49 Commissioner Nelson asked if this consolidated department was common in North <br />50 Carolina. Jo Roberson said that there are 68 counties in NC that have Tax Administrators, and <br />