Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> <br />1 Commissioner Hemminger said that the website looks great, and she would like to see <br />2 a meeting synopsis. She would like to sign up for updates from the County. Todd Jones said <br />3 that this will roll out shortly within a month or two. <br />4 Commissioner Gordon asked about the procedure for providing feedback to the staff <br />5 and Todd Jones said that each page has a link to the webmaster of that particular page. <br />6 Commissioner Jacobs asked that all staff using this be taught how to compress files <br />7 before sending them. Todd Jones said that he will look into this. <br />8 Commissioner Jacobs asked if the website was all in English and Todd Jones said yes <br />9 and that multi-lingual websites were very expensive. <br />10 Commissioner Nelson said that he is concerned about the clarity of the content on the <br />11 website and someone from outside of the departments needs to look at each departmental <br />12 page. <br />13 <br />14 4. Consent Agenda <br />15 A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs <br />16 to approve those items on the consent agenda as shown below, with the correction sheet for <br />17 item 4-a: <br />18 <br />19 a. Minutes <br />20 The Board approved the minutes from August 18 and 20, 2009 as submitted by the Clerk to the <br />21 Board (with correction sheet). <br />22 b. Appointments <br />23 (1) Economic Development Commission -Reappointment <br />24 The Board reappointed Chris Hogan to a second full term ending June 20, 2012 to the <br />25 Economic Development Commission. <br />26 (2) Human Relations Commission -Reappointments <br />27 The Board reappointed Bryant Colson, Barbara Marotto, and A. John Vogt to second full <br />28 terms ending September 30, 2012 to the Human Relations Commission. <br />29 (3) Jurv Commission -Reappointment <br />30 The Board reappointed Bob Hall to the Jury Commission. <br />31 (4) Sportsplex Community Advisory Committee -Reappointments 8~ Reassignment <br />32 The Board reappointed Alice Pettitt (Position #12 - At-Large), Flicka Bateman (Position #6 - <br />33 CHCCS -Student Health -Athletics), and Marshall Morris (Position #9 - At-Large) to the <br />34 Sportsplex Community Advisory Committee. <br />35 c. Motor Vehicle Property Tax Release/Refunds <br />36 The Board adopted a refund resolution, which is incorporated by reference, related to 39 <br />37 requests for motor vehicle property tax releases or refunds in accordance with the NCGS. <br />38 d. Property Tax Refund <br />39 The Board approved adoption of a refund resolution, which is incorporated by reference, related <br />40 to one (1) request for property tax refund in accordance with N.C. General Statute 105-381. <br />41 e. Property Tax Releases <br />42 This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br />43 consideration. <br />44 f. Applications for Property Tax Exemption/ Exclusion <br />45 The Board approved six untimely applications for exemption/exclusion from ad valorem taxation <br />46 for the 2009 tax year. <br />47 g, Inclusion of 3R Fees in the North Carolina Debt Setoff Program <br />48 The Board authorized the Revenue Director/Tax Collector to begin the inclusion of 3R fees in <br />49 the North Carolina Debt Setoff Program. <br />50 h. Redaction Software Acquisition <br />