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724 <br />Agenda Item 11a: A eal of Austin Ldatts, Tract 5819 <br />Commissioner Pinney moved, seconded by Commissioner Walker, to make no change <br />in the tax valuation of Mr. Watts' property. Vote: ayes, 4; noes, 0. <br />Agenda Item 11b: A eal of Austin Watts, Tract 5816 <br />Commissioner Pinney moved, seconded by Commissioner Walker, to reduce physical <br />depreciation on the motel building of Mr. Watts to 35% for building (1) and 30% <br />for building (2). Vote: ayes, 4; noes, 0. <br />Agenda Item llc: Appeal of Percy H. Quinlan, Tract 2571 <br />Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit, moved to appraise <br />Mr. Quinlan's land in conformance with correct dimensions as given in the deed. <br />Vote: ayes, 4; noes, 0. <br />Agenda Item 12: CETA Report <br />Mr. ~7oe Bradshaw told the Board we are now under one system operating out of <br />the Office of. Community Employment in Raleigh. As of Friday, the existence of a <br />consortium was recognized and we are entering into contracts on behalf of Orange <br />County and Durham County. The Office of Community Employment is providing funding <br />for two weeks while they are waiting final allocations from the Department of Labor. <br />Mr. Brads"air believes the county will receive an allotment similar to the one <br />received in fiscal year 197-77. <br />LJe have hired Ronnie Warner as Director and we are looking at office space on <br />Churton Street in Hillsborough-and Franklin Street in Chapel Hill. <br />Orange County has net lost clients in the transition to the Orange-Durham <br />operations. Tn Title I, persons are continuing classroom training at Alamance <br />Tech and at Durham Tech. In Title VI, there will be approximately 33 people <br />continued for the next two weeks. We expect everything in Title VI to remain <br />at its present level. Currently, approximately 28 people are working on Title VI. <br />We are getting money for 33 slots, but administrative costs are taken'~from these <br />funds. <br />Mr. Bradshaw said today we needed to set up a priority system that would <br />take effect after release of the hiring freeze. <br />Commissioner Pinney asked what would happen if action was delayed again after <br />this two week period. Mr. Bradshaw replied, we should establish our year long <br />priorities. Currently, we h.ave•a general idea of funds available for Titles I and <br />III, but we will not be able to tell about Title VI until the hiring freeze is <br />lifted. <br />Commissioner Pinney asked how we could establish a priority system without <br />knowing the number of jobs we would be allowed. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson said we should be allocated between 1 - 33 positions. <br />If we determine priorities and allocations to participating units, they will have <br />some idea how to plan. <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked haw guidelines for division between municipalities <br />and counties were developed. Mr. Bradshaw replied there is no central policy far <br />governmental unit distribution. <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked if administrative support should be considered <br />before job slots. <br />Mr. Bradshaw said these slots would be funded one way or the other; thus, he <br />recorrunended funding through regular CETA client money. <br />Commissioner Willhoit said he .felt administrative costs should come out of <br />the base program instead of the participants share. <br />The County Manager said we can spend only 15~ of the grant on administrative <br />processes. As the overall budget is small, this is somewhat of a safety valve <br />that helps us come within administrative guidelines. <br />