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eA4W a240,15'- a/ �/ <br />y Z- <br />Commissioner Carey said that the meeting on August 191h will be loaded as well, and <br />the Board would have to discuss it at a subsequent meeting, which would push the timing out <br />even further. <br />m Chair Jacobs said that the deadline for getting this on the November ballot is August <br />29. The next meeting after August 19th is in September. He suggested putting this on the <br />agenda for June 24th for discussion. <br />Al z. Zonina Ordinance Text Amendment: Planned Development Review and <br />Approval Procedures <br />The Board considered accepting additional evidence, if any; accepting the Planning <br />Board recommendation; closing the public hearing; and adopting the proposed amendments to <br />several provisions contained within "Article Seven (7) Planned Development" of the Zoning <br />Ordinance. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she removed this item because it does not really lend <br />itself to being on the consent agenda. <br />Geof Gledhill said that the public hearing is closed on these two text amendments and <br />the Planning Board's recommendation is included. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />approve administration's recommendation to accept the Planning Board recommendation and <br />adopt the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to Planned Development <br />review and approval procedures. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />aa. Zonina Ordinance Text Amendment: Telecommunication Wireless Facility <br />The Board considered accepting additional evidence, if any; accepting the Planning <br />Board recommendation; to closing the public hearing; and adopting the proposed amendments <br />to four sections /articles of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance concerning the review, <br />approval, and development of telecommunication wireless facilities. <br />Commissioner Gordon noted that the legislature made changes. She asked if this was <br />all that was changed and if anything had changed in scope and Craig Benedict said no. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />accept additional evidence, if any; accept the Planning Board recommendation; to close the <br />public hearing; and to adopt the proposed amendments to four sections /articles of the Orange <br />County Zoning Ordinance concerning the review, approval, and development of <br />telecommunication wireless facilities. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />bb. Request to Schedule a Public Hearing for June 24 2008 on SUP- A -2 -08 <br />Farm Montessori School Application <br />The Board considered scheduling a public hearing for the June 24, 2008 regular <br />meeting to review the SUP- A -2 -08 Farm Montessori School application. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the notice was defective last month, and she <br />understands the urgency of getting this back on, but asked if there would be time to consider <br />it, since the June 24th meeting will have a full agenda.. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the Board would deal with this that night and try to keep <br />comments to a minimum. He said that it would be a shame to penalize the applicant since a <br />mistake was made. <br />