Orange County NC Website
30 <br />service area, alone or in combination with another site(s), unless <br />the applicant can prove that it is technologically impracticable. <br />If attached to a building, all antennas shall be mounted on the facie <br />of the building and camouflaged so as to match the color and, if <br />possible, texture of the building or in a manner so as to make the <br />antennas as visually innocuous and undetectable as is possible <br />given the facts and circumstances involved. <br />n) The wireless support structures will not be artificially lighted unless <br />required by the FAA, FCC or other federal or state agency. Where <br />such agencies allow a choice between painting the tower or <br />installing strobe lighting, painting shall be the preferred choice. <br />If lighting is legally required or proposed, the applicant shall provide <br />a detailed plan for sufficient lighting of as unobtrusive and <br />inoffensive an effect as is permissible under State and federal <br />regulations. For any Facility for which lighting is required under the <br />FAA's regulations, or that for any reason has lights attached, all <br />such lighting shall be affixed with technology that enables the light <br />to be seen as intended from the air, but that prevents the ground <br />scatter effect so that it not able to be seen from the ground to a <br />height of at least twelve (12) degrees vertical for a distance of at <br />least one (1) mile in a level terrain situation. Such device must be <br />compliant with or not in conflict with FAA regulations. A physical <br />shield may be used, as long as the light is visible from the air, as <br />intended by the FAA. <br />o) The tower and antenna will not result in a significant adverse <br />impact on the view of or from any historic site, scenic road, or major <br />view corridor. <br />Facilities, including antennas, towers and other supporting <br />structures, such as guy anchor points and wires, shall be made <br />inaccessible to individuals and constructed or shielded in such a <br />manner that they cannot be climbed or collided with; and <br />transmitters and telecommunications control points shall be <br />installed in such a manner that they are readily accessible only to <br />persons authorized to operate or service them. <br />To minimize the number of antenna arrays and thus the visual <br />impact, the County may require the use of dual mode antennas to <br />be used, including by two different carriers, unless it can be proven <br />that such will not work technologically and that such would have the <br />effect of prohibiting the provision of service in the County. <br />All new or replacement antennas, except omni - directional whip <br />antennas, shall be flush- mounted or as close to flush- mounted as is <br />technologically possible on any facility, so long as such does not <br />