Orange County NC Website
27 <br />All utilities at a facility site shall be installed underground and in <br />compliance with all Laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of the County, <br />including specifically, but not limited to, the National Electrical Safety Code <br />and the National Electrical Code where appropriate. <br />A statement shall be submitted, prepared by a professional engineer <br />licensed in the State of North Carolina, which through rational engineering <br />analysis, certifies the tower's compliance with applicable standards as set <br />forth in the State of North Carolina Building Code, and any associated <br />regulations; and describes the tower's capacity, including an example of <br />the number and type of antennas it can accommodate. <br />All wireless support structures shall satisfy all applicable public safety, <br />land use, or zoning issues required in this Ordinance, including aesthetics, <br />landscaping, land -use based location priorities, structural design, <br />setbacks, and fall zones. <br />8.8.17a.2 Standards of Evaluation <br />The following specific standards shall be used in deciding upon an <br />application for approval: <br />a) Location of Wireless Support Structures. Applicants for facilities <br />shall locate, site and erect said facilities according to the following <br />priorities, in the following order: <br />1) On existing County -owned facilities without increasing the height of <br />the tower or structure. <br />2) On existing Facilities without increasing the height of the tower or <br />structure. <br />3) On County -owned properties or facilities. <br />4) On properties in areas zoned for commercial or industrial use. <br />5) On properties in areas zoned Agricultural Residential (AR). <br />6) On properties in areas zoned for residential use. <br />b) If an Applicant proposes to place telecommunications equipment at <br />a location that is not a preferred priority 1 site, then the Applicant <br />must provide a detailed explanation why a higher priority site <br />is not proposed. The explanation shall be in the form of a written <br />report demonstrating the Applicant's review of the above locations <br />in order of priority and the reason(s) for the site selection. The <br />explanation shall, at a minimum, include the information required by <br />Subsection 8.8.17a.1 a.e). <br />c) The application shall not be approved unless it demonstrates that <br />the telecommunications equipment may not be sited at a higher <br />priority site because of commercial impracticability or because no <br />higher priority site is available that would serve to provide the <br />telecommunications service need identified by the Applicant as <br />provided for in Subsection 6.18.4 d)(10). <br />