Orange County NC Website
o Other <br />• Retain LEED Accredited Professional on Development Team <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT INFORMATION <br />Projected Annual Revenue to Orange County Upon Project Completion <br />$1.3 million in Ad Valorem Taxes <br />$100,000 in Lodging Fees <br />$6 Million in Retail Sales Taxes <br />Roger Perry: There are 84,000 cars going up and down this road (I-85) per day. This will be a <br />method for Orange County to, without degradation to the rest of the County, to capture those <br />people, bring them into an economic development district in Orange County, and cajole them <br />and convince them to spend money. In terms of social equity, we will probably create <br />somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,000-1,500 jobs during the construction period, and then <br />ongoing permanent jobs within the community of approximately 1,500-2,000. <br />Bill Hutchins called George Horton to provide a summary of the project. <br />George Horton: I have been sworn in. I thank you again for your time and careful attention to <br />this presentation tonight. I just have a few remarks. We made every effort in our proposal to <br />respond to the economic development goals of Orange County. We believe those are <br />reasonable goals and we are pleased to be part of the public input process, helping to alter what <br />has historically been unfavorable ratios of residential to commercial properties in Orange <br />County. As you have heard tonight, we propose to go beyond Orange County's Economic <br />Development District standards, with a number of design solutions that would create a better <br />looking, better functioning, and more attractive mixed-use community. We want a walkable <br />retail and entertainment district with a pleasant and safe atmosphere both day and night. We <br />are committed to a project of exceptional quality in land planning, architecture, signage, <br />landscaping, and street-scaping. We are committed to the aggressive pursuit of sustainable <br />goals, sharing parking and other strategies to reduce impervious surfaces; water conservation <br />and reuse; use of daylighting; energy efficient designs; and green building materials. Finally, I <br />want to emphasize how positive I am about this development team. We have good chemistry <br />and complimentary ability.. We:all have been part of the landscape of Orange County for many, <br />many years. This is a powerful motivation for us to make Buckhorn Village a great destination <br />location, and a development that we will set high standards for future developments to come. <br />Bill Hutchins: In closing, I hope and think that we have provided evidence sufficient to allow <br />the issuance of the SUP. <br />Craig Benedict said that the County Commissioners could ask questions of the <br />applicants or staff, or turn it over to the public for comments and questions. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he consulted with the attorney about what is desirable for the <br />Board of County Commissioners to do now, since there are 39 people signed up to speak. <br />Geof Gledhill said that if the staff recommendation is followed, this matter will not be <br />concluded tonight, and thus the County Commissioners can hear public comment tonight and <br />then save the Board of County Commissioners' comments to the next meeting. The Board can <br />also ask questions of the developer. <br />