Orange County NC Website
716 <br />Agenda Item 8A: Austin Watts Assessment A eal <br />The Tax Supervisor stated that Mr. Watts owns a motel that seems to be <br />valued correctly except, perhaps, for depreciation. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson asked that decision on this item be reached at the <br />fourth Monday meeting. <br />Agenda Item 6: Pro osal b Ener Conservation Officer <br />Ms. Carol Fitzgerald addressed the Board. Ms. Fitzgerald stated her first _. <br />objective was to start an in-house conservation program to save energy dollars in <br />all buildings and vehicles awned by Orange County. Ms. Fitzgerald presented the <br />format of.a program designed to enable the county to operate with greater energy <br />efficiency. This program would include an operations and maintenance element, <br />an employee awareness element, an energy accounting element and a capital improve- <br />ments element. She submitted a proposal explaining each of these elements. She <br />also submitted recommendations for physical improvements to various county buildings <br />and estimates to savings if these improvements were installed. She asked the <br />Commissioners to endorse a 68 degree winter - 78 degree surrmier temperature setting <br />for county buildings. <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked Ms. Fitzgerald to draft a resolution setting forth <br />recommendations for maximum and minimum temperatures in county buildings. He also <br />asked that this be put on the agenda for the first Monday in October: <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated he would like to make appointments to the Board <br />of Adjustment and Planning Board at the fourth Monday meeting. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson announced that September 27th is the date of the <br />Triangle J Council of Governments annual dinner meeting. <br />Mr. Gattis spoke to the Board regarding the parking facility at the Northside <br />Mental Health facility. He stated that at present topographical surveying was <br />underway and that James Webb was working on the design of the lot. Mr. Gattis stated <br />we would probably be able to gravel and curb and gutter the facility soon, but the <br />possibility of having it paved before winter was very slim since gravel;,.and asphalt <br />are almost unavailable at this time. <br />The meeting was then adjourned. <br />~~~ <br />Norman Gustaveson, Vice Chairman <br />Mary Lou Bouley, Clerk <br />