Orange County NC Website
',k <br />_~ <br />9. TIMELY PAYMENT. If the Arts Commission fails to make any payment within <br />(10) days of the date it is due, Artist may cease all work until such time as payment is made <br />and the completion date of the project shall be adjusted accordingly. <br />10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The Artist is an independent contractor and not <br />an employee, agent or other representative of the County and/or the Arts Commission. <br />Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to create the relationship of princi- <br />pal and agent, or employer and employee, between Artist and Arts Commission or Orange <br />County Government. Artist shall have the right to select the means, manner and method of <br />performing the services described herein and has complete artistic discretion and control <br />over the execution of the art work. Artist understands and agrees that he/she is not author- <br />ized to incur any expenses or any liability whatsoever on behalf of the County or the Arts <br />Commission and has no authority, expressed or implied, to obligate or make representations <br />on behalf of the County or the Arts Commission. Artist agrees to maintain his or her own <br />worker's compensation insurance for himself/herself and his or her employees for the dura- <br />tion of the art work's installation and provide the Arts Commission with proof thereof. <br />11. COPYRIGHT. Upon final payment by the Arts Commission to Artist, Artist will <br />assign his or her copyright interests in the art work to the Arts Commission and the Arts <br />Commission will become copyright holder for all purposes, with the following exceptions: <br />(a) Artist retains the right to reproduce the art work for all noncommercial pur- <br />poses such as reproducing the image for Artist's portfolio. <br />(b) The Arts Commission agrees to notify the Artist should the Arts Commission <br />ever desire to use the Artist's work in an individual (i.e., not coupled with the works <br />of other Artists as in a calendar or book) sale that amounts to $300 or more fora sin- <br />gle piece. Artist agrees to cooperate in the development of such a piece (i.e., auto- <br />graph of piece, oversee production art work, participation in public announcements, <br />etc.). In exchange for this cooperation, the Arts Commission will provide Artist with <br />a 50% royalty on the profit from the sale, payable on a quarterly basis. <br />(c) Artist retains usage for purposes that do not compete with the Arts Commis- <br />sion's projects as long as the art work is identified as being a part of the Orange <br />County outdoor mural gallery. Artist agrees to contact the Arts Commission for <br />permission for such noncompeting formats, and the Arts Commission agrees not to <br />withhold permission for any unreasonable purpose. <br />12. INDEMNIFICATION. The Arts Commission shall defend, indemnify and hold <br />harmless Artist, his or her agents, and contractors from any and all claims, demands, dam- <br />ages, costs, expenses (including attorney's fees), judgments or liabilities arising from the <br />negligence or willful misconduct of the Arts Commission. Artist shall defend, indemnify <br />and hold harmless the Arts Commission, from all claims, demands, damages, costs, ex- <br />penses (including attorney's fees), judgments or liabilities arising from the negligence or <br />willful misconduct of Artist. With respect to any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, <br />expenses (including attorney's fees), judgments or liabilities arising from the joint or concur- <br />