Orange County NC Website
~' <br />F` <br />essary for installation shall be paid by Artist. <br />(d) If work on the art work is delayed by adverse weather conditions, or any <br />other cause beyond the Artist's reasonable control, then the completion date shall be ex- <br />tended for such reasonable time as the parties may agree. <br />(e) If work on the art work is delayed by any fault, neglect, act or failure of Art- <br />ist, then Artist shall take all reasonable steps to complete the art work within the agreed <br />upon time. In the event that Artist is unable to complete the art work within the agreed <br />upon time, Artist shall be required to pay all costs caused by the delay. <br />(f) If the work on the art work is delayed by any fault, neglect, act or failure of <br />the Arts Commission, then the Arts Commission shall .take all reasonable steps to enable <br />the Artist to complete the art work and shall pay all costs associated therewith including <br />paying for additional scaffolding, laborers, additional insurance costs and any other costs <br />necessary to complete the art work. <br />3. PROTECTIVE COATINGS. Any protective coating used is the responsibility of <br />the Artist, and not the Arts Commission, and is to be paid out of award funds received by the <br />Artist. <br />4. PERMITS. The Arts Commission agrees to procure at its own cost all necessary <br />permits including any easements, encroachment permits, signage permits, scaffolding permits, <br />alley closure permits or otherwise. <br />5. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS. Artist agrees to comply with all local, state <br />and federal laws and ordinances that pertain to the creation and installation of the art work. <br />6. SURFACE PREPARATION. The preparation of the surface for the art work is the <br />responsibility of the Artist, and is to be paid out of award funds received by the Artist. <br />7. AMOUNT OF PAYMENT. The Arts Commission agrees to pay Artist a maximum <br />of $807 in state Grassroots Arts Program money from the Orange County Arts Commission's <br />FY 09 budget and up to $2,000 in county money from the Arts Commission's FY 10 budget. <br />Upon receipt of invoice, which shall be submitted at the end of each phase of the project as set <br />forth below, the Arts Commission shall pay, within 15 days: <br />(a) 50% upon execution of the Agreement; and <br />(b) 50% upon completion of the Mural to the County's satisfaction. <br />8. INCREASE IN PAYMENT. Any additions or deletions must be approved in ad- <br />vance in writing by the Arts Commission. If any said additions or deletions made to the art <br />work result in an increase in cost, such increased costs shall be agreed to in writing and paid <br />by the Arts Commission to Artist within five (5) days of receipt by the Arts Commission of <br />an invoice. <br />