Orange County NC Website
~~ 8-~8'-3~0°~ <br />~e <br />_~ <br />PUBLIC ART AGREEMENT BETWEEN ARTIST AND ORANGE COUNTY <br />THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this the _1_~__ day of ~~ m , 2009, by <br />and between Orange County, hereinafter referred to as "County", through the Orange County Arts <br />Commission, hereinafter referred to as the "Arts Commission"; and Cindy Newton, hereinafter re- <br />ferred to as the "Artist". <br />RECITALS <br />WHEREAS the Arts Commission has launched the Temporary Installations Made for Ele- <br />ments (T.I.M.E) Public Art Project at Cedar Grove Park for the purpose of encouraging more <br />Orange County artists to become public artists through participation in small-budget temporary <br />public art projects; <br />WHEREAS the Arts Commission requires the services of an artist to create a work of art on <br />the fuel oil tank located at the Cedar Grove; and <br />WHEREAS the Arts Commission has determined that Artist is qualified to create the art <br />work desired based upon the skill, reputation and creativity of Artist, and the Artist is willing <br />and able to perform under the terms and conditions of this Agreement; <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing promises and the covenants set <br />forth below and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: <br />1. PRELIMINARY DESIGN. Artist shall present a preliminary design (strike-off or <br />maquette) to the Arts Commission Coordinator and the ad hoc T.I.M.E Project Public Art Selec- <br />tion Committee on or before May 21, 2009 ("date of presentation") for approval, prior to com- <br />mencement of the creation of the art work. The preliminary design will include the art work's <br />dimensions, description of materials used, considerations for longevity and conservation and <br />maintenance requirements. <br />2. CREATION AND INSTALLATION <br />(a) Artist represents and warrants that the art work to be created will bean origi- <br />nal work of art by Artist and that the art work will be a faithful rendition of the prelimi- <br />nary design submitted by Artist and approved by the Arts Commission. All changes to <br />the art work shall be first approved by the Arts Commission in writing. <br />(b) Artist shall create and be responsible for installation of the art work. Artist <br />agrees to have the art work completely installed, including all touch-up work, by June <br />30, 2010 ("date of installation") and be present for the dedication ceremony. Upon com- <br />pletion of installation, the Arts Commission shall acknowledge its completion in writing, <br />and will not unreasonably withhold approval. <br />(c) Except as set forth in this Agreement, the costs for installation, including <br />painting tools, laborer wages, workers compensation insurance and any other costs nec- <br />