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~~'r0-~oo~.ail <br />~a <br />Services Facility at the Guaranteed Maximum Price of $1,308,733, subject to final review and <br />approval by the County Attorney; and authorized the Chair to sign. <br />k. Establishment of an Interlocal Agreement Committee for the Hillsborough Area- <br />Orange County Strategic Growth Plan Phase II <br />The Board established the IAC with six representative position slots, from Orange County for the <br />Strategic Growth Plan Phase II and asked the Clerk to advertise and/or notify advisory boards for <br />possible appointments. <br />I. Sportsplex HVAC Equipment Replacement <br />The Board approved a change order proposal for $377,022 requested by Orange County <br />regarding the repair and replacement of existing mechanical systems equipment in the <br />Sportsplex and authorized the Manager to execute the change order. <br />m. Adoption of Reimbursement Resolution for Animal Services Facility <br />This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate consideration. <br />n. Amendments to the Orange County Ordinance Regulating Smoking in Buildings <br />Owned by or Leased to Orange County and Motor Vehicles Owned by or Leased to <br />Orange County <br />The Board adopted the ordinance amendments with an effective date of April 1, 2008; requested <br />that each municipality in Orange County adopt a resolution permitting the applicability of the <br />ordinance within their respective municipality; and encourages each municipality to adopt an <br />ordinance governing tobacco use in municipal buildings. <br />y~ o. Fiscal Year 2007-08 Budget Amendment #7 <br />The Board approved budget, capital and grant project ordinance amendments, and updates to <br />the County's current fee schedule for fiscal year 2007-08 for Department of Social Services, <br />Department on Aging, Orange Public Transportation, Commissioner Contingency, Criminal <br />Justice Partnership, Health Department, Housing and Community Development, Various, <br />Emergency Services, Lands Legacy Capital Project Ordinance, Emergency Telephone System <br />Fund, and Arts Commission. <br />VOTE ON CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA <br />h. Contract with RB Engineering, Inc. for Structural Engineering Services to <br />Stabilize and Repair Barns at Future Park Sites <br />The Board considered authorizing the Chair to execute a contract with RB Engineering,, <br />Inc. to conduct engineering work, prepare construction drawings and specifications, and perform <br />inspection services for two barns; the future New Hope Park at Blackwood Farm and the future <br />Twin Creeks District Park; and authorizing the Manager to sign subject to final review by staff <br />and County Attorney. <br />Chair Jacobs said that this has been discussed in the past about the space needs that <br />the Board wanted a thorough assessment of all of the park buildings and out buildings and the <br />structural integrity, etc. He said that at one point it was discussed that a team would visit each <br />site with a report and photographs but this has never happened. He would like to ask <br />management to pursue this. <br />Commissioner Carey said to be specific about what the Board asked for. <br />Chair Jacobs restated that it would be a specific study of the structural integrity of <br />buildings on park properties that have been purchased by the County and, for the houses, what <br />is required to make them habitable. Secondly, he wants to know the plan for getting caretakers <br />into those houses. <br />