Orange County NC Website
This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these funds for the above stated purposes. <br />-(See Attachment 1, columns #1 and #2) <br />2. Department on Aging <br />The Department on Aging has received additional revenue for the following programs: <br />Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) -receipt of $1,000 to offset costs of the <br />annual recognition event. This brings the budget for this program to $1,300 for fiscal year <br />2007-08. <br />~- Community Based Services -additional state Health Promotion and Disease Prevention <br />funds totaling $2,940 to purchase fitness equipment and supplies for the Seymour Center <br />Fitness Studio. This brings the program budget to $5,003 for FY 2007-2008. <br />~ General Operational Funds from State -appropriation of State funds of $10,934 to <br />support the general operation of the Seymour and Central Orange Senior Centers. <br />These funds will assist with permanent and temporary personnel costs for center <br />activities and special events. This award requires a 25% County match of $3,644. <br />At its December 3, 2007 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners approved a <br />Service Coordination Renewal Agreement between Manley Estates and Orange County <br />for fiscal year 2007-08. This agreement will allow the Department to continue providing <br />social work services for the residents of the First Baptist and Manley Estates senior <br />housing complex in Chapel Hill. The department anticipates receiving $4,800 during <br />fiscal year 2007-08 to offset staffing and operational costs of the service. <br />This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these funds for the above stated purposes. <br />(See Attachment 1, column #3) <br />3. Orange Public Transportation <br />~ Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program (EDTAP) -receipt of $38,899 <br />ftom the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) will facilitate weekly <br />shopping trips, initiate a daily shuttle service between community pick-up points, and <br />pay for personnel-related costs. This brings the budget for this program to $94,032 for <br />fiscal year 2007-08. <br />-~ Rural Public Transportation Program -receipt of $23,924 from NCDOT to support rural <br />transportation services. The department plans to use the funds to offset costs of <br />existing temporary ,staff for this program. This brings the budget for this program to <br />$73,586 for fiscal year 2007-08. <br />NC Department of Transportation (DOT) funds totaling of $12,946 to offset day-to-day <br />operational costs of providing OPT services. Examples of items for which the <br />Department plans to use the addition monies include staff .training and publicizing <br />transportation routes. This. brings the budget for this program to $156,927 for fiscal year <br />2007-08. <br />This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these funds for the above stated purposes. <br />(See Attachment 1, column #4) <br />