Orange County NC Website
The County Attorney's office has drafted the attached ordinance for BOCC consideration <br />consistent with Session Law 2007-193 which is now codified as NC Gen. Stat. § 130A-498. <br />Because the majority of County buildings are located within municipalities, a resolution <br />permitting the proposed ordinance to be enforced within the municipality must be approved by <br />the municipality before the ordinance may be enforced within town limits. With the support of <br />the Board of Commissioners, the Health Director will meet with municipal bodies to seek <br />adoption of resolutions permitting the enforcement of the proposed ordinance within the <br />respective municipal jurisdictions and to encourage each municipality to adopt a tobacco use <br />ordinance governing their properties. <br />An important part of the implementation of this ordinance is public education about the effects of <br />secondhand smoke and the purpose and provisions of this ordinance to ensure compliance. To <br />that end, the Health Department will take the lead in planning a series of media articles and the <br />design and production of a flyer that will be available at all County ofi•ice buildings. Public Works <br />will post appropriate signage at each County location and in vehicles that will be affected by this <br />ordinance in advance of the actual implementation date. In addition, Public Works will work with <br />each department to remove all publicly available ashtrays and spit containers from the buildings <br />and grounds. The Personnel Department will work with the Employee Consortium and <br />department heads to inform employees of this ordinance and offer assistance to any employee <br />that wishes to quit using tobacco products. The Health Department will assist these <br />implementation efforts where possible. <br />It is anticipated that it will take a few weeks to schedule municipal presentations, order <br />appropriate signage and allow adequate time for employee and public education. Therefore, the <br />effective ordinance date is recommended to be April 1, 2008. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There are a total of 50 county buildings and a number of vehicles that <br />will require signage. It is estimated that the signage will cost approximately $4,500. Funds for <br />signage will be paid from the Board approved capital funds (CIP) appropriated for signage. In <br />addition there will be minor costs associated with producing the flyers announcing the <br />implementation of the ordinance. The savings from enacting this ordinance will be reflected in <br />the reduction of costs associated with exposure to secondhand smoke and tobacco use for the <br />county's employees and the public that the county serves. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />• adopt the ordinance amendments with an effective date of April.1, 2008, <br />• request that each municipality in Orange County adopt a resolution permitting the <br />applicability of the ordinance within their respective municipality, and <br />• encourages each municipality to adopt an ordinance governing tobacco use in municipal <br />buildings. <br />