Orange County NC Website
WHEREAS, under the same interlocal agreement the County and Towns agreed to bargain in good faith <br />during the two-year period following the effective date of the agreement to determine the ultimate use or <br />disposition of the balance of the acreage on the Greene Tract; and <br />WHEREAS, the end date of the "bargaining period" as defined in the agreement is April 17, 2002, the <br />second anniversary of the date upon which the County assumed overall responsibility for solid waste <br />management in Orange County; and <br />WHEREAS, the governing boards of all three jurisdictions approved resolutions in November or <br />December 2001 that outlined their interests for programming basic uses of the balance of the Greene <br />Tract; and <br />WHEREAS, the Work Group was charged to develop a more detailed written and graphic concept plan for <br />the use of the remaining 109 acres for presentation to each board by March 2002; and <br />WHEREAS, the Work Group has transmitted a resolution to all three governing boards that provides a <br />progress report and that indicates that they have reached substantial agreement on a concept plan as <br />outlined on the accompanying map (Straw Proposal Concept Plan 4); and <br />WHEREAS, the Work Group resolution indicates that they have not yet reached agreement regarding <br />what designation should be placed on the approximately 11 acres shown in blue on Concept Plan 4 and <br />would like a 60-day extension of the bargaining period to try to reach consensus; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Orange County Board of Commissioners does hereby <br />approve a 60-day extension of the bargaining period to permit further Work Group effort to finalize a <br />recommended concept plan for subsequent approval by each governing board. <br />This, the 16th day of April 2002. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />f. Resolution Endorsing and Agreeing to Sponsor and Host a Water Summit <br />The Board considered a resolution endorsing and agreeing to sponsor and host a Water <br />Summit on May 16, 2002 from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Southern Human Services Center in Chapel Hill, <br />North Carolina. <br />Commissioner Gordon added some language to this as follows: Between the 5th and 6tn <br />"Whereas," - "Whereas, Orange County has sponsored in cooperation with the U. S. Geological Survey, <br />two studies of groundwater resources in Orange County." Also, in the last "Whereas" - "Whereas, <br />Orange County finds it desirable and necessary that all water utilities and otherinterested parties, serving <br />the citizens of the County have an opportunity to meet and discuss issues of mutual concern and benefit, <br />including both surface water and groundwater resources." Also, in the "Now, Therefore" section, she <br />added "and other interested parties" before "and to direct staff..." <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve <br />the resolution and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution as amended and as stated below: <br />A RESOLUTION ENDORSING AND AGREEING TO SPONSOR <br />AND HOST A WATER SUMMIT <br />WHEREAS, Orange County, in discharging its statutory responsibilities to protect and enhance the public <br />health, safety, and welfare of all the citizens of Orange County, does have a strong interest in assuring <br />the availability of high quality sources of potable water; and <br />