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WHEREAS, Armenians assert that the government of modern-day Turkey refuses to recognize the <br />facts of genocide; and <br />WHERAS, the denial of the Armenian genocide by the present day Turkish government serves to <br />taint the history and disavows Armenians of the right to their homelands and heritage; and <br />WHERAS, ancestral Armenian lands taken by the Ottoman Turks have not been returned to the <br />Armenian people, nor have the Armenians received compensation for their losses; and <br />WHERAS, Armenians traditionally designated April 24th as ARMENIAN MARTYRS DAY, in <br />recognition and remembrance of those who died during the Armenian genocide; and <br />WHERAS, Orange County finds it equally important to remember the atrocities committed against <br />others in the name or religious, racial and ethnic cleansing so that we do not forget the inevitable <br />outcome of our daily intolerances; and <br />WHERAS, it is important to remember history so that mistakes of the past are not repeated for <br />future generations; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, do we, the Commissioners of Orange County, proclaim April 24th, 2002 as <br />Armenian Martyrs Day and commend this observance to all Orange County citizens in <br />remembrance of the atrocities of the 20th century. <br />THIS, THE 16T" DAY OF APRIL 2002. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />e. Resolution to Extend the Bargaining Period for Disposition of the Greene Tract <br />The Board considered a resolution extending the bargaining period for Orange County and the <br />towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill to resolve the disposition of the remaining 109 acres of the Greene <br />Tract. <br />John Link said that they only need another 60 days to be able to accomplish the total mission. <br />Commissioner Brown said that the work group was trying to understand how a sewer line <br />would be extended. They are waiting for an elevation survey that would show how a sewer line could be <br />extended to the property. If a sewer line could not be extended, then affordable housing could not go in <br />this area. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve <br />and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution as stated on page two of the abstract and as stated below, <br />which extends the bargaining period for 60 days for disposition of the Greene Tract that remains in joint <br />ownership. <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING A 60-DAY EXTENSION OF THE BARGAINING <br />PERIOD FOR DISPOSITION OF THE PORTION OF THE GREENE TRACT THAT <br />REMAINS IN JOINT OWNERSHIP <br />WHEREAS, Orange County and the Towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill acquired the property known as <br />the Greene Tract in 1984 as an asset of the joint solid waste management system; and <br />WHEREAS, title to 60 acres of this property was deeded exclusively to Orange County in 2000 under <br />provisions of the 1999 interlocal "Agreement for Solid Waste Management"; and <br />