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Commissioner Carey said that the Secretary of the department that oversees the Criminal Justice <br />Partnership Program has sent out a memo informing all the counties that he is not going to recommend <br />funding for next year and this will be a great loss. Commissioner Carey said that he will contact the North <br />Carolina Association of County Commissioners to see what can be done to get these funds. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the Assembly of Governments agenda for the April 29th meeting will be <br />distributed as soon as all the comments have been received from the mayors. The first item on the <br />agenda will be to review the budget situations and to try and share some concrete examples on how this <br />is having an effect on the local governments in Orange County. We hope to invite our legislators so they <br />can hear this. <br />Chair Jacobs reported on a meeting with the Rogers Road neighborhood on April 8th. They talked <br />about the grant program that the County has put in place to allow people to hook up to the water line. <br />There was a good turnout and a free discussion. There were some issues raised that will require the <br />County Commissioners' attention. The County staff and OWASA staff answered all the questions very <br />well. There will be a sign-up session on a Saturday afternoon so that it is easier for people in the <br />community to sign up or receive information. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he attended the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority's debutante ball on behalf of the <br />County Commissioners. This was a nice event and he was privileged to represent the Board of County <br />Commissioners. Also, The County Manager, Vice-Chair, and he met with the Chair of the OWASA Board <br />Bernadette Pelissier and OWASA Director Ed Kerwin to talk about possibly collaborating on some of the <br />water issues in central Orange County and OWASA's continued interest in protecting the water supply in <br />an event of an accident at Shearon Harris. They also talked about OWASA's proposed ordinance for <br />water restrictions should they become necessary. OWASA said that the water levels at Cane Creek are <br />low and they are already down to a 220-day water supply. When it gets down to 125 days, that is when <br />mandatory conservation kicks in. <br />4. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />John Link said that on April 22nd there would be a budget work session with the primary discussion <br />on the Capital Investment Plan. At that time, the County Commissioners will receive an update on <br />revenues and what cuts may be expected at the State level that may have an impact on County funds <br />Commissioner Carey commented that he would be out of town on April 22nd and also on May 8th. <br />5. RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS <br />a. Frances Neal Hargraves Day Proclamation <br />The Board considered a proclamation declaring April 14, 2002 as Frances Neal Hargraves Day <br />in Orange County. Ms. Hargraves passed away this morning. This proclamation was shared with Ms. <br />Hargraves on Sunday. Commissioner Carey read the resolution. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve <br />and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution as stated below: <br />PROCLAMATION <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FRANCES NEAL HARGRAVES DAY <br />WHEREAS, Frances Neal Hargraves is a life-long resident of Chapel Hill and Southern Orange County, <br />with her family home place located on West Franklin Street where the McDonald's now stands; and <br />WHEREAS, Frances Neal Hargraves is a member of Saint Paul African <br />Methodist Episcopal Church and taught Sunday School starting at age ten and continuing for sixty years; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, Frances Neal Hargraves was educated at Winston-Salem State <br />