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Commissioner Brown would like for the County Commissioners to make the appointments to <br />the committee. <br />Commissioner Gordon supported Chair Jacobs' comments about the Planning Board. She <br />also supports the County Commissioners appointing the committee members. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Carey to establish <br />and appoint anine-member Comprehensive Plan Land Use Committee as outlined, with the addition of <br />another representative from the Planning Board, with the Board of County Commissioners approving the <br />appointments. <br />Commissioner Brown asked for a list of all the members of all the suggested boards. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Orange County/Hillsborough Courtesy Review Agreement <br />The Board considered a revised courtesy review agreement with the Town of Hillsborough. <br />Craig Benedict said that this agreement was considered by the County Commissioners one <br />year ago. He summarized the information in the agenda. He told how the agreement would be <br />administered. The are some thresholds suggested by the two staffs. When there is a land use <br />amendment, rezoning, special use permit, conditional use permit, or an annexation involving five acres or <br />more, the Town of Hillsborough would notify the County. The County would have five days to provide <br />comments to Hillsborough on the County's interests. Craig Benedict would email the County <br />Commissioners and ask for comments, and the comments would be sent back to Hillsborough for their <br />consideration. The Board can ask for a joint meeting in some cases, but there would have to be an <br />extension of time. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he and Clerk to the Board Beverly Blythe were working on scheduling a <br />meeting with the Town of Hillsborough about Orange Grove Road. If there are some unresolved issues <br />about the agreement, they can be brought up at this meeting. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the timeframe of five days is so rapid that she does not <br />understand how the elected officials could be involved. It seems to her that only the Planning staffs would <br />have time to be involved. She would like to have this addressed. She asked to see the former agreement <br />to see how the new agreement was changed. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he still has some concerns regarding involuntary annexations. <br />He said that the events of the involuntary annexation that resulted in the new town reservoir left behind a <br />legacy of some very bad feelings. He does not think it is good for one group of elected officials to learn <br />about an involuntary annexation through the media. He will bring this up in the meeting with the Town. <br />Chair Jacobs is also concerned with the timeframe. He said that the comments from the <br />County Commissioners would be very disjointed because they would not have time to meet and discuss <br />the concerns. Also, he agreed that we do need to make a distinction for commercial development of an <br />intense nature under five acres. He said that you could go up instead of out on 4.9 acres and put quite a <br />large development on a piece of property, which would have a major impact on the County's jurisdiction <br />and it would be exempt from a courtesy review under this scenario. He agreed that the issue of <br />involuntary annexation requires more notice and care because it is a potential flash point of ill will. <br />John Link recommended that the staff try to respond to the Town of Hillsborough with Orange <br />County's specific recommendations on how to pursue the agreement further. He said that the Town <br />Manager agrees that one entity or the other needs to initiate further the specificity of the agreement. <br />The Board agreed to schedule a joint meeting with the Town of Hillsborough to discuss this <br />agreement further. <br />d. Regulated Recyclable Materials Ordinance -Establish Three New Support Positions and <br />Award Equipment Bids <br />The Board was to consider establishing three new full-time permanent positions in the Solid <br />Waste Management Department, and awarding bids for equipment to support implementation of the <br />