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A motion was made by Chair Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve and award <br />a contract to Audobon Tree of Pittsboro for the removal and replanting of trees at the Whitted Human <br />Services Center. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />9. ITEMS FOR DECISION -REGULAR AGENDA <br />a. Consolidated Housing Plan Update/Home Program <br />The Board considered a resolution approving the 2002 Consolidated Housing Plan Update, <br />and considered approving the proposed HOME Program activities for 2002-2003. <br />Tara Fikes summarized the information in the agenda. The public hearing was held on <br />February 5th to receive citizen comments regarding the update. They received 16 applications from local <br />non-profit organizations and other local governmental units requesting HOME funds in the amount of $1.2 <br />million. There is $615,000 available this year. The proposal is to use most of the HOME funds for <br />property acquisition, particularly to help OPC Mental Health in the amount of $75,000 to acquire <br />rehabilitated houses that they would rent to their clients. There are also funds for Residential Services to <br />purchase an existing house for adults with autism. Funds would also be allocated to Affordable Rentals, <br />Inc. (a new non-profit) to purchase a duplex that they would lease to aloes-income family. They are also <br />suggesting to allocate funds to the Town of Chapel Hill's Department of Housing to help them in their <br />efforts to provide transitional housing, and also to provide funds for a community revitalization loan <br />program that would help purchase and resell housing. <br />Commissioner Carey and Chair Jacobs mentioned Affordable Rentals, Inc. and asked if they <br />were well established enough to be eligible for funds. Tara Fikes said that they talked about conditioning <br />the money set aside until the organization has some things in place such as a sound management plan. <br />Commissioner Gordon added up the numbers and said that there was a discrepancy with the <br />$615,000. <br />Tara Fikes made the corrections. The funds allocated for the Town of Chapel Hill was <br />supposed to be $28,117 instead of $90,000. This would make the total $615,117, which is the money <br />available. Adding $48,100 in administrative costs brings the total to $663,217. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to adopt <br />resolutions (incorporated by reference) approving the 2002 Consolidated Housing Plan Annual Update <br />and the proposed HOME Program Activities for 2002-2003. Additionally, to authorize the Manager to <br />implement the HOME Program as approved by the Board of County Commissioners including the ability to <br />execute agreements with partnering non-profit organizations after consultation with the County Attorney. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Committee (CPLUC) <br />The Board discussed the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Committee. This item was continued <br />from the April 3, 2002 work session. Planning Director Craig Benedict said that the next step is to receive <br />input from a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Committee, which would be made up of two County <br />Commissioners and members from existing County boards with certain interest areas. The committee <br />would be talking about where the projections meet the constraints. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested having two Planning Board members on the committee because this <br />issue most directly relates to the Planning Board. He thinks the Planning Board has lost sight somewhat <br />of its larger role in envisioning the overall framework of planning and has come to see itself more as a <br />development review committee. He thinks this would be a way to broaden their perspective. He has <br />spoken with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Planning Board, the Manager, and the Planning Director <br />about having a working dinner prior to the May 28th public hearing with the Planning Board so the County <br />Commissioners can share some of their vision for Orange County planning. <br />Craig Benedict said that the work of Shaping Orange County's Future and other task forces <br />from the last five years should be brought forward in this process also. <br />