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b. Bid Award: Removal and Replanting of Trees at Richard Whitted Human Services Center <br />This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br />consideration. <br />c. Budget Amendment #6 <br />The Board approved budget ordinance amendments and grant and capital project ordinances <br />for fiscal year 2001-2002. <br />d. Pyrotechnics Approval: Blue Cross and Blue Shield Family Day <br />The Board approved a pyrotechnics permit for Blue Cross and Blue Shield Family Day 2002, to <br />be held Saturday, May 4, 2002. <br />e. Appointments to the Advisory Board on Aging <br />The Board appointed Jennie Capparella as a Carrboro representative with a term ending June <br />30, 2003; and Dougald M. Monroe, Jr. and Arthrell D. Sanders as At-Large representatives, with term <br />ending dates of June 30, 2005 and June 30, 2004 respectively to the Advisory Board on Aging. <br />f. Request for Leave of Absence by a Member of the Commission for Women <br />The Board approved a request by Commission for Women member Terri Allred for asix-month <br />leave of absence. <br />g_ Removal of a Member and Reappointments to the Adult Care Home Community Advisory <br />Committee <br />The Board removed Tracy Diefenderfer for excessive absenteeism from, and reappointed <br />Charron Andrews, Carol Gunther-Mohr, and Alice V. McCall-Smith for term ending dates of March 31, <br />2004 to the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee. <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA <br />a. Proposed Contract with Haden-Stanziale for Conceptual Desian and Site Plannina at <br />Little River Regional Park <br />The Board considered awarding a contract to Haden-Stanziale, P.A. to develop a conceptual <br />design and site plan for the Little River Regional Park and natural area. <br />Commissioner Brown pointed out some specificity that she felt should have been included in <br />this contract. She would like an area set aside for camping in the future. She did not see anything listed <br />for a house site for the resident manager. The County Commissioners had discussed moving one of the <br />houses from a flood area for this reason. There is also no mention of restroom facilities. <br />Environment and Resource Conservation Director David Stancil said that the Board did look at <br />the preliminary list of uses and agreed to those at a previous meeting. The contractor would be <br />developing a concept plan that the County Commissioners would see. The advisory committee would be <br />brought back together to look at this during the process. The details as mentioned by Commissioner <br />Brown could be added at that time. Also, the details of the interlocal agreement will be developed later <br />which would include the proposed house for a caretaker. <br />It was decided that this item would be reconsidered at the April 30, 2002 work session. <br />b. Bid Award: Removal and Replanting of Trees at Richard Whitted Human Services Center <br />The Board considered awarding a contract to Audobon Tree of Pittsboro for the removal and <br />replanting of trees at the Whitted Human Services Center. <br />Chair Jacobs pointed out that information on the renovations of the Whitted Center is available <br />in the library. There have been some concerns expressed by citizens about the renovations and there is <br />going to be a neighborhood information meeting to address these concerns. <br />