Orange County NC Website
Public Comment <br />Patricia Hammond from the Women's Center clarified that the other $40,000 was not just for <br />operating expenses - $12,800 will come from CDBG and $12,800 local funds will be used directly for <br />education of the participants. Only $7,200 from CDBG and $7,200 from local would be used for <br />administrative costs. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to close the <br />public hearing; approve and authorize the Chair to sign a resolution authorizing the submission of the <br />formal application document on or about April 17, 2002 and authorize the Chair to sign the application <br />document on behalf of the Board; and approve the allocation of $40,000 in match funding from the <br />County's Housing Trust Fund. <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY <br />DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS <br />WHEREAS, the N. C. Department of Commerce -Division of Community Assistance announced the <br />availability of approximately $500,000 in Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) <br />Program funds for the purpose of establishing Individual Development Account (IDA) Programs to first- <br />time homebuyers with incomes below 80% of the median income; and <br />WHEREAS, an application for funding must be sent to the Division of Community Assistance on or before <br />April 30, 2002 in order to receive the funds; and <br />WHEREAS, Individual Development Accounts are dedicated savings accounts to be used for <br />homeownership only; and <br />WHEREAS, the Women's Center presently operated an IDA Program under the County's TANF Program <br />and have expressed an interest in administering this program utilizing CDBG funds; and <br />WHEREAS, the grant funds will be used to match participant savings by a 1:1 ratio for a total of 20 <br />families; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Orange County Board of Commissioners, that an <br />application for FY 2002 Community Development Block Grant funds for the Individual Development <br />Account Program under the North Carolina Small Cities Program is hereby authorized. The amount of the <br />request will be $40,000. The application will be submitted on or about April 30, 2002. <br />FURTHER, the Orange County Board of Commissioners authorizes the Chair of the Board to sign the <br />application document on the County's behalf. <br />This, the 16th day of April 2002. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />8. ITEMS FOR DECISION -CONSENT AGENDA <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve those <br />items on the consent agenda as stated below: <br />a. Proposed Contract with Haden-Stanziale for Conceptual Design and Site Planning at <br />Little River Regional Park <br />This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br />consideration. <br />