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bonds in support of the Lands Legacy Program. They suggest moving approximately $1.5 million from <br />2005-06 to 2003-04. She submitted the resolution to the Board. <br />Allen Spalt said that while he supports many of the things included in the CIP, he wants to talk <br />about education. He said that the past support of Orange County for its schools is amazing and has been <br />great. At the same time, at any hearing dealing with the funding of the public schools, you will hear many <br />tales of how overcrowded they have gotten in the past and you end up playing catch up. He said that we <br />need to move to a new system of not playing catch up. He supports the Schools Adequate Public <br />Facilities Ordinance. A necessary component and the most difficult one is to adopt a capital improvement <br />plan for the schools that is substantial, proactive, specific, and a meaningful commitment to the schools <br />that works in advance. He said that if this piece is in place, then everything else will follow. He urged the <br />County Commissioners to support a CIP sufficient to be compatible with the adoption and implementation <br />of the SAPFO. He thinks that this requires an earlier commitment to a high school in Chapel Hill. <br />John Butcher made reference to the recommendation of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School <br />Board for a third high school on Ray Road. He said that input from the residents of Ray Road has not <br />been sought. He said that the neighbors were not necessarily opposed to siting a school there, but there <br />are some significant environmental, traffic, light pollution, and quality of life issues that should be taken <br />into account in the process. He asked that the County Commissioners consider these issues before <br />approving this specific tract. <br />Hervey McKever spoke in support of the Lands Legacy Program. He asked that the County <br />Commissioners move about $1.5 million of the funds that are earmarked for later years (eg. 2005-06) <br />forward to 2003-04. The reason is that land acquisition requires flexibility and responsiveness for when <br />landowners are willing to sell. <br />Judy Margolis spoke in support of a third high school for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools. <br />She asked that the task force for the Eubanks Road site include two parents and two members of the <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools district. She said that both high schools would reach capacity next <br />year. She said that during the bond task force meetings, they were told that there was alternative <br />financing for an additional high school. She also read a prepared statement from Etta Pisano. Ms. <br />Pisano also wrote in support of the funds for a third high school in Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools. She <br />said that the schools must be at or under capacity for the SAPFO to be implemented. This high school is <br />needed in three to four years. <br />Robert Dowling from the Orange Community Housing and Land Trust said that they would be <br />bringing money back to the County because the Meadowmont project is going to come in under budget. <br />He anticipates returning over $300,000 to the County at the completion of the project. He asked that <br />Orange Community Housing be allowed to retain the money until construction is complete. He asked that <br />the County Commissioners set up a revolving loan fund so that non-profits can access funds quickly to <br />respond to an opportunity. The loan would be repaid in a short period of time. He also asked the County <br />Commissioners to allocate some of the recent bond money in the current calendar year for affordable <br />housing. <br />Steven Chandler lives on Ray Road, which is where the third high school is proposed. He said <br />that the neighbors were concerned about the area and would like to see it preserved as much as possible. <br />They are not opposed to the high school, they just want to have their comments considered. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />c. FY 2002 CDBG Program - IDA Program <br />The Board held a public hearing for the purpose of receiving public comments regarding the <br />development of a FY 2002 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application for an Individual <br />Development Account (IDA). <br />Housing and Community Development Director Tara Fikes summarized the information in the <br />agenda. She said that the request for $40,000 is for the Women's Center. Of the $40,000, $20,000 will <br />be used to match participant savings and the other $20,000 will be used for operating costs. The program <br />does require a local match. <br />